Selected texts by Judith F. Baca
- “Painting in the River of Angels.” The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, March 11, 2021.
- “Sustaining Sites of Public Memory.” Public Art Review 40, Spring/Summer 2009 (2009): 28-29.
- “Whose Monument Where.” In Mapping the Terrain, edited by Suzanne Lacy, 131-138. Seattle; Bay Press, 1995.
- Birth of a Movement 30 Years in the Making of Sites of Public Memory by Judith F. Baca
- La Memoria de Nuestra Tierra: Colorado Aztlan Journal November 2003 by Judith F. Baca
- Raising Community Consciousness with Public Art: Contrasting Projects by Judy Baca and Andrew Leicester by Erica Doss
- Spirit Poles and Flying Pigs Raising Community Consciousness with Public Art The Guadalupe Mural Project by Erika Doss
- A Political Landscape Painter by Judith F. Baca
- Judy Baca: Our People are the Internal Exiles by Diane Neumaier 4020

Judith F. Baca (2018)
by Anna Indych-López
Winner of Independent Publisher Book Awards Silver Medal for Adult Multicultural Non-Fiction, Judith F. Baca by Anna Indych-López explores Judith F. Baca’s oeuvre, from early murals painted with local gang members in the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles to the Great Wall of Los Angeles (1976–83) to more recently commissioned works. Throughout, Indych-López assesses what she calls Baca’s “public art of contestation” and discusses how ideas of collaboration and authorship and issues of race, class, and gender have influenced and sustained Baca’s art practice.
Judith F. Baca also won the International Latino Book Awards. It has been awarded the 1st Place for Best Latino Focused Book Design, the 2nd Place for Best Arts Book, and the 2nd Place for Best Latina Themed Book.

Murals of the Americas (2019)
Edited by Victoria I. Lyall
This volume presents the work of ten scholars who shared their research at the Denver Art Museum’s 2017 symposium hosted by the Frederick and Jan Mayer Center for Pre-Columbian and Spanish Colonial Art. Centered on the theme of murals, each chapter discusses how this art form functions as a powerful tool for the expression of political, social, or religious ideas across diverse time periods and cultures in the Americas, from the ancient rock cave paintings of Guerrero, Mexico, to the murals of the 1960s Chicano movement. In one of the contributions, Artist Judy Baca discusses her practice with Jesse Laird Ortega (Denver Art Museum).
1. Mark Rogovin, The Mural Manual: how to paint murals for the classroom, community center, and street corner, Beacon Press, 1975 BOOK
2. Eva Sperling Cockcroft: “Women in the Community Mural Movement,” Heresies 1 (January 1977), 14-22 REVIEW ESSAY
3. John Weber and Eva Cockcroft: Toward a People’s Art: The Contemporary Mural Movement, New York, New York: E.P. Dutton and Company, 1977 BOOK
4. The Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art “Social Works” (July 1979) 44-46 ARTICLE
5. Carrie Rickey: “The Writing on the Wall”, Art in America 69/5 (May 1981), 54-57 JOURNAL
6. Evangene H. Bond, ed: “A Successful Art Product with a Social Impact: the Great Wall of Los Angeles,” in La Comunidad: Design, Development, and Self-Determination in Hispanic Communities, Partners for Livable Places, 1982, 12-24 BOOK
7. Philip S. Foner and Reinhard Schultz: Mexikanishes und Chicano Arbeiten der Bilden-de Kunst, Berlin Elefanten Press, 1983 BOOK
8. Douglas Kahn and Denise Neumaier: Cultures in Contention, Seattle, Washington: Real Comet Press, 1983 BOOK
9. Alan Barnett: Community Murals: The People’s Art, Art Alliance Press, 1984 BOOK
10. Lucy Lippard: Get the Message: A Decade of Social Change, New York, New York: Pantheon Books, 1984 BOOK
11. Eva Cockroft: Women In Community Mural Movement, 1984. BOOK
12. Shifra M. Goldman and Tomás Ybarra-Frausto: Arte Chicano: A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography of Chicano Art, 1965-1981, Chicano Studies Library Publications Unit, University of California, Berkeley, 1985, 138-139 REFERENCE BOOK
13. Anne Cheatham and Mary Clare-Powell: This Way Daybreak Comes: Women’s Values and the Future, New York, New York: New Society Publishers, 1986 BOOK
14. Emily Hicks: “The Artist as Citizen,” High Performance 9/3 (1986), 32-38 REVIEW ESSAY
15. Betty Ann Brown and Arlene Raven: Exposures, Women and Their Art, New Sage Press, 1989, 16-17 (Cover Art: Farmworkers of Guadalupe 1990) BOOK
16. Linda Cunningham, ed.: The Memorial Redefined: Reconsideration of a Major Public Art Form The College Art Association, 1989 BOOK
17. Shifra Goldman: “Mujeres de California: Latin American Women Artists,” in Yesterday and Tomorrow: California Women Artists, Midmarch Arts Press, 1989, 202-229 BOOK
18. Shifra Goldman, “How, why, where and when it all happened: Chicano Murals of California,” in Signs from the Heart: California Chicano Murals, Eva Sperling Cockcroft & Holly Barnet-Sanchez, ed. Social and Public Art Resource Center Publication, 1990, 22-53 (1st ed.) BOOK INTRODUCTION
19. Lucy Lippard: Mixed Blessings: New Art in a Multicultural America, 1990 BOOK
20. Amalia Mesa-Bains: “Quest for Identity: Profile of Two Chicana Muralists, Based on Interviews with Judith F. Baca and Patricia Rodriguez,” in Signs from the Heart: California Chicano Murals, Eva Sperling Cockcroft & Holly Barnet-Sanchez, ed. Social and Public Art Resource Center Publication, 1990, 68-83 BOOK
21. Diane Neumaier: “Judy Baca: Our People are the Internal Exiles,” in Hacienda Caras, Making Faces, Making Soul: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Women of Color, Gloria Anzaldua, ed., Aunt Lute Foundation, 1990, 256-270 (cover art) “Triumph of The Hearts” from the “World Wall: A Vision of The Future Without Fear” BOOK
22. Eva Cockcroft: “L.A.’s Mural Room: Writing on the Wall,” New Art Examiner (Nov. 1991), 20-24 REVIEW ESSAY
23. National Women’s History Project: “Las Mujeres: Mexican American/Chicana Women,” National Women’s History Project, 1991 BOOK
24. Richard Griswold del Castillo, Teresa McKenna, and Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano, ed.: CARA, Chicano Art: Resistance and Affirmation, Wight Art Gallery, UCLA, 1991 EXHIBITION CATALOG
25. Paul Von Blum: “Women political artists in Los Angeles: Judy Baca’s public art,” Z Magazine October 1991, 70-74 REVIEW ESSAY
26. Elizabeth Martinez ed.: 500 Years of Chicano History in Pictures, Southwest Organizing Project, 1991 BOOK
27. Steven Bingler: “The Macarthur Park Experiment: 1984-1987,” in Critical Issues in Public Art: Content, Context, and Controversy, Harriet F. Senie & Sally Webster, ed.
Icon editions, 1992, 270-279 BOOK
28. Orville O. Clarke Jr.: Chicano Murals, Latin American Art 4/3 (Fall 1992), 76-78 REVIEW ESSAY
29. William Cleveland: Art in Other Places: Artists at Work in America’s Community and Social Institutions, Praeger, 1992, 2, 243-44 BOOK
30. Erika Doss: “Raising Community consciousness with Public Art: Contrasting projects by Judy Baca and Andrew Leicester” American Art Vol 6 No.1 (Winter, 1992), 63-81 University of Chicago Press on behalf of Smithsonian American Art Museum BOOK CHAPTER
31. Norma Alarcon: Chicana Critical Issues, Third Woman Press, 1993. REVIEW ESSAY
32. Carlos M. Jimenez: The Mexican American Heritage, TQS Publications, 1993 BOOK
33. Francisco Lomeli (ed.): Handbook of Hispanic Cultures in the United States: Literature and Art, Houston, Texas, Arte Publico Press, 1993 BOOK
34. Raquel Tibol: “La Exposicion Chicana En El Mama (1),” Proceso 890, (22 de Nov. de 1993), 53 REVIEW ESSAY
35. Raquel Tibol: “La Exposicion Chicana En El Mam (2)” Proceso 891, (29 de Noviembre de 1993) REVIEW ESSAY
36. Paul Von Blum: “New Visions, New Viewers, New Vehicles: Twentieth-Century Developments in North American Political Art,” Leonardo 26/5 (1993), 459-466 REVIEW ESSAY
37. Suzanne Lacy: “Mapping the Terrain: The New Public Art” Public Art Review, Issue 9m Vol. 5, No. 1, 26-33, Fall/Winter 1993 ESSAY
38. Robin J. Dunitz: Street Gallery: Guide To 1000 Los Angeles Murals, RJD Enterprises, 1993, 14, 15, 43, 48, 57, 115, 140, 192, 289, 362, 370, 384 REFERENCE BOOK
39. Norma Broude & Mary D. Garrard (ed.): The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970’s, History and Impact, Harry N. Abrams, Inc. November 1994 BOOK
40. Carlos M. Jimenez: The Mexican American Heritage, second edition, TQS Publications, 1994 BOOK
41. Paul Von Blum: Other Visions: Other Voices: Women Political Artists in Greater Los Angeles, University Press of America, 1994, 70-74 BOOK
42. Dorothy & Thomas Hoobler: The Mexican American Family Album, Oxford University Press, 1994 BOOK
43. Erica Doss: Spirit Poles and Flying Pigs: Public Art and Cultural Democracy in American Communities, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995, 157-158, 161-167, 169, 172-184, 188-189 BOOK
44. Multicultural Biographies Collection: Latino Biographies, Globe Fearon Educational Publisher 1995, 62-67 BOOK
45. Michael Capek: Murals: Cave, Cathedral, To Street Lerner Publications Co., 1996, 28-31 REVIEW ESSAY
46. F. Graham Chalmers: Celebrating Pluralism: Art, Education, and Cultural Diversity, Occasional Paper Series of The Getty Education Institute for the Arts, 1996 BOOK
47. Jean Fulton, ed.: Art Out There: Toward a Publicly Engaged Art Practice School of The Public Art Institute of Chicago, 1996 BOOK
48. Yleana Martinez: “Profile: Judy Baca,” in Latinas! Women of Achievement, Diane Telgen and Jim Kamp, ed. Visible Ink Press, Detroit, MI, 1996, 25-30. BOOK
49. Frances K. Pohl: “Judith F. Baca: Community and Culture in the United States,” in Expanding Circles: Women, Art, and Community, Betty Ann Brown, ed., Midmarch Arts Press, 1996, 201-214 BOOK
50. Marcos Sanchez-Tranquillino: “Space, Power and Youth Culture: Mexican American Graffiti and Chicano Murals” in Looking High and Low: Art and Cultural Identity, University of Arizona Press, 1996, 55-85. EXHIBITION CATALOG
51. Deborah Wye: Thinking Print: Books to Billboards, 1980-95, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1996, 86. 132, 135, 152 REFERENCE BOOK
52. Profiles of Women Past & Present: Women’s History Monologues for Group Presentation, Volume 2, by the American Association for Women, 1996 BOOK
53. Betty Ann Brown, Expanding Circles: Women, Art, and Community, Midmarch Arts Press 1996 BOOK
54. Robin J. Dunitz and James Prigoff: Painting the Towns: Murals of California, RJD Enterprises, 1997, 7, 12, 15, 25, 134-36, 216, 222-223 BOOK
55. Lucy R. Lippard: The Lure of The Local: Senses of Place in a Multicentered Society, New Press, New York (June 1997) BOOK
56. Henry M. Sayre: A World of Art Second Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc. 1997, 1994, 240, 241 BOOK
57. Alicia Gaspar de Alba: Chicano Art Inside Outside the Master’s House: Cultural Politics and the CARA Exhibition, The University of Texas Press, 1998, 121, 125, 136-139, 145 BOOK
58. Maxine Borowsky Junge: Creative Realities:The Search for Meanings,University Press of America, 1998, 25-26, 206-207, 219, 223, 225, 230, 246-50, 256-59, 264-65, 326 BOOK
59. Jeffrey Rangel: “Art and Activism in the Chicano Movement: Judith F. Baca,Youth and The Politics of Cultural Work,” in Generations of Youth: Youth Cultures and History in Twentieth Century America, Joe Austin and Michael Nevin Willard, ed. 1998, 223-239 (Cover Art: Photo of Great Wall) REVIEW ESSAY
60. Annette Stott: “Transformative Triptychs in Multicultural America,” Art Journal 57/1 (Spring 1998), 55-63 EXHIBITION CATALOG
61. Lisa Phillips: The American Century: Art & Culture: 1950-2000, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York and W.W. Norton & Co., 1999, 228-229. BOOK
62. Alma Flor Ada and Isabel F. Campoy: Voces de Luis Valdez, Judith Francisca Baca, Carlos J. Finlay. Alfaguara/Santillana, 2000. BOOK
63. Barbara Isenberg: State of the Arts: California Artists Talk About Their Work, William Morrow Publications, 2000. REVIEW ESSAY
64. David Sterling: “Step One: put money where mouth is,” Communication Arts 42/3 (July 2000) REVIEW ESSAY
65. Joyce Gregory Wyels: “Great Walls, Vibrant Voices,” Americas 52 (February 2000), 22-30. EXHIBITION CATALOG
66. Richard Alexandar Lou, Hecho En Califas: The Last Decade. Plaza De La Raza, 2000. EXHIBITION CATALOG
67. Stephanie Baron: Made in California: Art, Image, and Identity 1900-2000, Los Angeles County Museum of Art and University of Calfornia Press, 2001, 225-226 BOOK
68. Elena Margarita de J. Cacheux Pulido: “Semblanza de Judy Baca,” in Anuario de Investigación 2000: Educación y Comunicación Volumen II Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, 2001, 133-144 BOOK
69. José Luis de la Nuez Santana: Arte y minorías en los Estados Unidos: el ejemplo Chicano. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2001, 23, 35, 41-42, 57-60, 77-80, 83 BOOK
70. Harmony Hammond: Lesbian Art in America: A Contemporary History, Rizzoli, 2000. BOOK
71. Patricia Hills: Modern Art in the USA: Issues and Controversies of the 20th Century, Prentice Hall, 2001, 256, 434, 446-448 BOOK
72. Victor Manuel Valle: Latino Experience in Literature and Art, “Homenaje a La Ciudad de Los Angeles” (2001) BOOK
73. Diana Burgess Fuller, ed: Art/Women/California 1950-2000: Parallels and Intersections, University of California Press, 2002, 134-135, 176, 300-305 EXHIBITION CATALOG
74. Kristin G. Congdon and Kara Kelley Hallmark: Artists from Latin American Cultures: A Biographical Dictionary. Greenwood Press, 2003,19-23. REFERENCE BOOK
75. Frances K. Pohl: Framing America: A Social History of American Art, Thames & Hudson, 2002 BOOK
76. Don Adams and Arlene Goldbard, Community, Culture, and Globalization. The Rockefeller Foundation. 2002 JOURNAL
77. Irma Dosamantes Beaudry, The Arts in Contemporary Healing, Praeger Publishers 2003, 115-16, 128, 141, 143 BOOK
78. Mark Dean Johnson, ed: At Work: The Art of California Labor, California Historical Society Press, Heyday Books, 2003 EXHIBITION CATALOG
79. Teresa McKenna: “Collecting against Forgetting: East of the River: Chicano Art Collectors Anonymous” in Representing the Passions: Histories, Bodies, Visions, Richard Meyer, ed. The Getty Research Institute, 2003, 262-263 BOOK
80. Henry M. Sayre: A World of Art Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003, 178-179, 265. 2003 BOOK
81. Kristin Kelly: “Mural Painting and Conservation in the Americas: A Symposium” in The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter, Vol. 18, #2, 2003 p. 20 BOOK
82. Eric Liu: The Ways People Teach Random House, Author “Accidental Asian” and “Next Young American Writers on The New Generation.” Featuring Professor Baca’s teaching and students. (2003) BOOK
83. Jeffrey Levin, “Conservation (The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter)” J. Paul Getty Trust 2003 NEWSLETTER
84. Eric Liu: Guiding Lights: The People who lead us toward our Purpose in Life Random House…among 11 selected nationally: Judy Baca. (February 2004) 121-140 BOOK
85. “The World Wall: A Vision of the Future Without Fear, Judith F. Baca,” City of Dallas Publication, Latino Cultural Center, Dallas TX, Exhibition Catalog 2004 EXHIBITION CATALOG
86. Victor Alejandro Sorell, “A Triumph for Chicana/o Visual Art and Its Historiography,” Art Journal, Vol. 63, 2004. JOURNAL
87. Erica Avila, Popular Culture in the Age of White Flight: Fear and Fantasy in Suburban Los Angeles, University of California Press. 2004. BOOK
88. Alicia Gaspar de Alba, “There’s No Place Like Aztlan: Embodied Aesthetics in Chicana Art,” The New Centennial Review, 2004. JOURNAL
89. Alicia Arrizon: Queering Mestizaje: Writing on Transculturation and Performance, University of Michigan Press, (September 2005) BOOK
90. Peter Selz: Art of Engagement: Visual Politics in California and Beyond, University of California Press, associated exhibition at the San Jose Museum of Art. (2005) BOOK
91. Anne D’Alleva, “Methods & Theories of Art History,” Laurence King Publishing, 2005, 58-60 – BOOK
92. Public Art Review: “Muralism” Winter 2005 REVIEW
93. Mary Olmstead, Hispanic-American Biographies: Judy Baca. Raintree. 2005 BOOK
94. Hilary Braysmith, “Constructing Athletic Agents in the Chicano/a Culture of Los Angeles, International Journal of the History of Sport, March 2005. JOURNAL
95. John-Michael Rivera, “La Memoria de Nuestra Tierra: Landscapes, Mexicans, and the Browning of America,” Aztlan, Volume 30, No.1, Spring 2005. JOURNAL
96. Adrian Lewis, “Framing American Art: A Social History of American Art,” The Art Book, Volume 12, No. 3, August 2005. JOURNAL
97. Taina B. Caragol, “Archives of Reality,” American Art, Vol. 19, University of Chicago Press, 2005. JOURNAL
98. Japanese American Museum, February 2006 EXHIBITION CATALOG
99. John Michael Rivera: “The Emergence of Mexican America: Recovering Stories of Mexican Peoplehood in U.S. Culture,” New York University Press, Academic Tenure Book. (2006) SCHOLARLY PUBLICATION
100. Victoria Ruiz: Latinas in the United States: A Historical Encyclopedia, Indiana Univ. Press. (2006) REFERENCE BOOK
101. Animating Democracy: Americans for Arts Publications. “Exploring the first phase of the initiative featuring: The Great Wall of Los Angeles and Neighborhood Pride Murals etc. (2006) ARTICLE
102. Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in US, Oxford University Press (2006) REFERENCE BOOK
103. Helping Out, Kane Publishing (2006) BOOK
104. The Los Angeles Art Scene, The National Museum of Modern Art, Centre Georges Pompidou, in Paris, France/ March 2006 EXHIBITION CATALOG
105. Jodi Kushins, “Recognizing Artists as Public Intellectuals: A pedagogical Imperative,” Culture Work, Volume 10, No. 2, May 2006. BOOK
106. Alicia Arrizon, Queering Mestizaje. The University of Michigan Press. 2006 BOOK
107. Isabel García Martínez, Ph.D, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain, “Artistic Representations of the Southwest: An Interdisciplinary Study.” 2006 (article in book) BOOK
108. Ernestine McKay, “Contemporary mural painting: trends and traditions,” article in the book “English Heritage/UK Institute of Conservation Proceedings of the Secular Wall Paintings Conference Series (2004-5).” Archetype Publications 2006 BOOK
109. Beth Krensky & Seana Lowe “Community-Based Art Education: A Practitioner’s Guide,” Alta Mira Press 2006 BOOK
110. Harper Collins and the Smithsonian Institute, “Latino History and Culture,” Hylass Publication, 2006 BOOK
111. Arlene Goldbard, Expanded Edition of “Creative Community: The Art of Cultural Development,” 2006 BOOK
112. Erika Doss, “Americans For the Arts Monograph,” article on Baldwin Park controversy. 2006 BOOK
113. Brommer, Gerald F., Discovering Art History. Fourth Edition. Worchester: Davis Publications, Inc. 2006 TEXTBOOK
114. Monterey Institute of Technology, “MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Media Learning Anthology,” 2007 BOOK
115. Steve Otfinoski, “Latino Americans in the Arts,” Facts ON File Inc. Publication, 2007 BOOK
116. “American Art,” Laurence King Publishing, 2007 BOOK
117. Elizabeth Martinez, “500 Years of Chicana History.” 2007 BOOK
118. La Casa Encendida, “Pintores De Aztlan” Madrid, Spain, January 2007 EXHIBITION CATALOG
119. Ronald Lee Fleming, The Art Of Placemaking: Interpreting Community Through Public Art and Urban Design. Merell. 2007. BOOK
120. Carey Lovelace, “Girls, Girls, Girls,” Art in America June/July 2007. (MOCA Exhibit) JOURNAL
121. Betty Ann Brown and Linda Vallejo, “Echoes: Women Inspired By Nature” Orange County Center for Contemporary Art (OCCCA) 2007 EXHIBITION CATALOG
122. Cornelia Butler, ‘WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution’ MOCA, Los Angeles, CA 2007 EXHIBITION CATALOG
123. Dextra Frankel, “Multiple Vantage Points: Southern California Women Artists 1980- 2006” Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsdall Art Park, published by Southern CA Women’s Caucus for Art & Southern CA Council of the National Museum of Women in the Arts. 2007 EXHIBITIION CATALOG
124. Collette Chattopadhyay, “Multiple Vantage Points at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery,” Artweek. June 2007. JOURNAL
125. Kim Ramirez, “Judy Baca” for 5th graders, Zaner-Bloser Inc., 2007 BOOK
126. George, Diana, and John Trimbure. Reading Culture: Contexts for Critical Reading and Writing 6th Edition. Pearson Longman, 2007 TEXTBOOK
127. Hernandez, Lisa. Migrations and Other Stories Houston: Arte Publico Press, 2007 BOOK
128. Sarah Schrank “Art and the City: Civic Imagination and Cultural Authority in Los Angeles,” University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008 BOOK
129. Guisella Latorre “Walls of Empowerment: Chicana/o Indigenist Murals from the 1970s to the Turn-of-the-Millenium in California”.” University of Texas Press, 2008 BOOK
130. Catherine Ramirez, “The Woman Zoot Suiter: Mexican American Women, Nationalisms, Citizenship,” Duke University Press of Durham, NC. 2008 BOOK
131. Henry Sayre, A World of Art 5th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008 TEXTBOOK
132. Harcourt School Publishers, GR 5: Social Studies( The US: Civil War to Present), 2008 TEXTBOOK
133. Benton & DiYanni, Arts & Culture Volume 2, 3rd Ed., Pearson Education, Inc. 2008 TEXTBOOK
134. MOCA, Contemporary Art Start Curriculum Guide 2008 BROCHURE
135. McGraw-Hill Higher Education Publishers, Nation of Nations 2008 TEXTBOOK
136. Brown Publishing Network, MacMillan, Mc-Graw, Hill Reading Program, 2008 TEXTBOOK
137. Emond Montgomery Publications, American History, 2008 TEXTBOOK
138. Macmillan McGraw-Hill, Portraits of Home: California Artists at Work, 2008 BOOK
139. McDougal Littell, Houghton Mifflin Literature Program “Life & Times” of Sandra Cisneros, 2008 TEXTBOOK
140. Pearson Education, Art History Revised 3rd edition, 2008 TEXTBOOK
141. Henry Sayre, Centers of Culture, Volume 2 (of 2), 1/e, Pearson Education/Prentice Hall, 2008 TEXTBOOK
142. Keiso Shiyobo Publishing Co., Ltd., “Public Art Policies; Discussions on Public Sphere and the History of American Public Art Policies” Tokyo, Japan, 2008 BOOK
143. Scholastic Inc., Scholastic Art Magazine, 2008 MAGAZINE
144. Harcourt Education Australia, Art for All 2008 TEXTBOOK
145. Speakeasy Publications, Easy Going February 2008, MAGAZINE
146. Pearson Prentice Hall Publishers, Preble’s Artforms 9e, 2008 TEXTBOOK
147. Houghton Mifflin, Author Studies: McDougal Littell’s Literature web ancillary, 2008 TEXTBOOK
148. Sandoval, Chela, and Guisela Latorre. “Chicana/o Artivism: Judy Baca’s Digital Work with Youth of Color.” Learning Race and Ethnicity: Youth and Digital Media . Edited by Anna Everett. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2008. 81–108 BOOK
149. Seana Steffen & Beth Krensky, Community-Based Art Education: A Practitioner’s Guide Alta Mira Press, Utah University, 2008 BOOK
150. Louise Bachman, “America Tropical performance” UC MEXUS, 2008 JOURNAL
151. Kanellos, Nicolás, Ed. Our Journeys/Our Stories: Portraits of Latino Achievement Smithsonian Institution, 2008. BOOK
152. Miller, Angela, et. al. American Encounters: Art, History, And Cultural Identity
Prentice Hall (of Pearson Education, Inc.), 2008 TEXTBOOK
153. McGraw Hill Higher Education, US History: A Narrative Volume 2, 2009 TEXTBOOL
154. UCLA, La Gente News Magazine 2009 MAGAZINE
155. Dr. Tal Dekel, “Gendered Spaces: Feminist Art in the 1970s in the USA” Hakkibutz-Hameuhad and Tel Aviv University, Israel 2009 BOOK
156. Pearson Ed., Preble’s Artforms DVD, 2009 TEXTBOOK
157. Feminist Studies, “WACK! Art and Feminist Revolution and Global Feminisms” 2009 SCHOLARLY JOURNAL
158. Holt McDougal Publishers, Avancemos Level 3, 2009 TEXTBOOK
159. Apprentice Shop Books, Women of the Golden State: 25 Women you should know, 2009 BOOK
160. Kiriakos, Iosfidis, Ed. Mural Art: Murals on Huge Public Surfaces around the Word form Graffiti to Trompe l’oeil,. Volume Two. Mianaschaff, Germany: Publikat Verlags-und Handels GmbH & Co. KG, 2009 BOOK
161. Silver Editions, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, California Reading, Skills Practice Readers, 2009 TEXTBOOOK
162. Abbey, Cherlie D., Ed. Biography Today. Volume 18, Number 2, April 2009 EBESCO Publishing, Inc., 2009. BOOK
163. Erika Doss, Memorial Mania: Public Art and Public Feelings in America Today 2009 BOOK
164. Ornelas, Michael R. The Sons of Guadalupe: Voices of the Vietnam Generation and Their Journey Home. Aplomb Publishing, 2009 BOOK
165. Reyes, Bárbara O., Private Women, Public Lives, Gender and the Missions of the Californias. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2009. BOOK
166. Ramirez, Catherine S. The Woman in the Zoot Suit: Gender, Nationalism, and the Cultural Politics of Memory. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2009 BOOK
167. Meg Garduno, Immaculate Immigrant: The Virgin of Guadalupe in Los Angeles (Four Meditations). Trafford Publishing, 2010 BOOK
168. Stokstad, Art, A Brief History, 4th edition, Pearson Education/Prentice Hall, 2010 TEXTBOOK
169. Holly Barnett-Sanchez: Judy Baca, Ester Hernandez, and Amalia Mesa-Bains BOOK
170. Betty Ann Brown and Judy Baca: Judy Baca Retrospective (postponed) EXHIBTION CATALOG
171. Victoria G. Alvarado, “Mujeres de Conciencia/Women of Conscience” BOOK
172. SEE D17 (Work in Progress) Monograph on the artist, A Ver: Revisioning Art History. A Ver Series “The Works of Judy Baca” University of California Press. BOOK
173. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and the International Center for the Arts of the Americas, “Documents of 20th-century Latin American and Latino Art”, 2010 SCHOLARLY PUBLICATION
174. Ignacio López-Calvo Ph.D., Latino Los Angeles Cultural Production, University of Arizona Press, 2010 BOOK
175. Susan N. Platt, Ph.D., “Art and Politics Now Cultural Activism in a Time of Crisis” Midmarch Arts Press 2010BOOK
176. Irina D. Costache, “The Art of Understanding Art,” Wiley-Blackwell Publisher 2010 TEXTBOOK
177. Hurwitz/Day, Children and Their Art: Art Education for Elementary and Middle Schools, 9e Cengage Learning © 2010 TEXTBOOK
178. UC Press, “Boom: A Journal of California” 2010 BOOK
179. Cambium Learning Group/Voyager, Passport Reading Journey 2010TEXTBOOK
180. Paul Von Blum, “The Black Panther Mural in Los Angeles” Censorship, University Readers, Inc. 2010 ACADEMIC READER
181. Patience Coster, “A Cultural History of Women: A New Deal for Women (1938-1960)” Bailey Publishing Associates 2010 BOOK
182. NGSP ESL – Grade K-5 Language Builder Picture Cards. National Geographic School Publishing. 2010 TEXTBOOK
183. The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles “Contemporary Art Start” (CAS) Curriculum Guide, 2010 ACADEMIC GUIDE
184. Bridget Cooks, “Exhibiting Blackness: African Americans and the American Art Museum” University of Massachusetts Press, 2010BOOK
185. Patrick Frank, “Prebles’ Artforms + Instructor’s Resources & Media Ed:10,“ Pearson – Preble 2011 TEXTBOOK
186. Reading 2011 Triumphs Oral language Vocabulary Cards, McGraw-Hill School Education Group 2011 ACADEMIC GUIDE
187. Fowler Museum at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA “LA XICANO” Mapping Another L.A.: The Chicano Art Movement” (Getty Foundation’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980)October 16, 2011 – February 26, 2012 EXHIBITION CATALOG
188. The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, Los Angeles, CA “Under The Big Black Sun: California Art 1974-1981” October 1, 2011 – February 13, 2012 ” (Getty Foundation’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980)EXHIBITION CATALOG
189. Forest Lawn Museum, Glendale, CA “Adelante! Mexican American Artists: 1960’s and Beyond”
September 9, 2011 – January 1, 2012 ” (Getty Foundation’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980)EXHIBITION CATALOG
190. LACMA, Los Angeles, CA “ASCO: Elite of the Obscure A Retrospective, 1972-1987” Williams College Museum of Art, Hatje Cantz 2011 ” (Getty Foundation’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980)EXHIBITION CATALOG
191. UCLA Chicano Research Center Library, Chican@s Collect: The Duron Family Collection, Los Angeles, CA. September 22, 2011 – December 9, 2011EXHIBITION CATALOG
192. Sayre, “MyArtsLab: Online learning resource currently titled MyArtsLab”, Prentice Hall/Pearson Education 2011 ONLINE TEXTBOOK
193. Laura Pulido, “A People’s Guide” UC Press 2011 BOOK
194. Thalia Dorwick, Marty Knorr, Ana Perez-Girones, William Glass and Hildebrando Villarreal, “Puntos de partida: An invitation to Spanish, 9e” McGraw Hill Higher Education 2011 TEXTBOOK
195. Miranda Outman-Kramer, “Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society” University of Chicago Press 2011 JOURNAL
196. The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles “Contemporary Art Start” (CAS) Curriculum Guide, 2011 ACADEMIC
197. “Reading Cultures 7th Edition” Pearson/Longman Publication 2011 TEXTBOOK
198. Sharon Suh, “Mail-LA RIVERWALK STORY” Los Angeles Magazine June issue, 2011 MAGAZINE
199. George and Trimber, ”Reading Culture, 8e” Pearson Longman 2011 TEXTBOOK
200. Sayre, “A World of Art 6e” Pearson Education 2011 TEXTBOOK
201. National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) 2011 JOURNAL
202. Laura Pulido and Josh Kun, “Black and Brown Los Angeles: A Contemporary Reader” UC Press 2011 BOOK
203. California Cultural and Historical Endowment “Preserving California’s Treasures.” (p. 75) 2011 JOURNAL
204. “Judy Baca” Grades K to 6 reading program for McGraw Hill (U.S.) 2011 TEXTBOOK
205. Raissa Desmet Trumbull, Tere Romo, Chon Noriega and Ondine Chavoya Eds. “Chicana/o Art: A Critical Anthology” Duke University Press 2011 TEXTBOOK
206. Jon Spayde, Public Art Review, May 2011 issue, Forecast Public Art 2011 JOURNAL
207. Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians, “”Be Brave and Fight!” Toypurina – the Joan of Arc of California” 2011 JOURNAL
208. Dr. Martina Kohl, “Women’s Voices from the House of Time” which included an essay by Moira Roth. The U.S. Embassy Berlin Public Affairs Section 2011 E-JOURNAL
209. Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, CA “LA RAW: Abject Expressionism in Los Angeles 1945-1980: From Rico Lebrun to Paul McCarthy” (Getty Foundation’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980) January 22 – May 20, 2012 EXHIBITION CATALOG
210. Art Journal, Spring 2012 Vol. 71, No. 1. JOURNAL
211. Methods and Theories of Art History 2nd. Ed.Laurence King Pub. 2012. TEXTBOOK
212. Stefano Bloch, “The Illegal Face of Wall Space: Graffiti-Murals on the Sunset Boulevard Retaining Walls” Radical History Review, Issue 113 (Spring 2012) by MARHO: The Radical Historians’ Organization, Inc. University of Minnesota Department of Geography and the University of Minnesota’s Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2012 BOOK
213. Samantha Williams, “The Legacy of Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli: Indigenous Imagery in the Murals of Mexico City and Los Angeles” Mudd Library, Oberli College, May 2012 EXHIBITION CATALOG
214. Eric Avila, “Overdrive: Los Angeles Constructs the Future, 1940–1990” Getty Publications 2012 BOOK
215. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. The University of Chicago Press, 2012. JOURNAL
216. Stokstad & Cothren, “Art: A Brief History, 5th &” Laurence King Pub, Pearson Ed. 2012 ONLINE TEXTBOOK
217. Arnason History of Modern Art 7th Ed. Laurence King Pub/Pearson Ed., 2012. TEXTBOOK
218. George/Trimbur, Reading Cultures 8th Edition. Pearson Education Inc., 2012. TEXTBOOK
219. Sayre, World of Art, 7th edition, Prentice Hall, Pearson Education. 2012. TEXTBOOK
220. Judy Baca 3rd grade 20 page book. McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2012. TEXTBOOK
221. Benton – DiYanni “Arts and Culture: An Introduction to the Humanities Combined + Media” Prentice Hall, 2012TEXTBOOK
222. Overdrive: Los Angeles Constructs the Future, 1940–1990. Getty Publications, 2013. BOOK
223. Henry Sayre, The Humanities, 3rd edition. Laurence King Publishing for Pearson Education/Prentice Hall, 2013 TEXTBOOK
224. Maciej Bartkowski , Recovering Nonviolent History: Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles. Lynne Rienner Publishers 2013. BOOK
225. National Park Service’s Resource Guide: Putting the Movement Back into Civil Rights Teaching 2013. RESOURCE GUIDE
226. Tomás Ybarra-Frausto and E. Carmen Ramos, Our America: The Latino Presence in American Art Smithsonian American Art Museum, 2013. BOOK
227. John Howell White, Experience Painting. Davis Publications, 2013. TEXTBOOK
228. Eric Avila, The Folklore of the Freeway: Highway Construction and the Making of Race in the Modernist City. University of Minnesota Press, 2013. BOOK
229. Nicolas Lampert, A People’s Art History of the United States: 250 Years of Activist Art and Artists Working in Social Justice Movements. New Press, November, 2013. BOOK
230. Juan Felipe Herrera, “Latino and Latina Heroes” published by Prentice Hall 2014. BOOK
231. David M. P. Freund, The Modern American Metropolis: A Documentary Reader. Wiley Blackwell 2014. READER
232. Reading Wonder Works, McGraw-Hill School Education Group 2014. TEXTBOOK
233. Cengage Learning Publisher, Exploring Art, 5e by Lazzari. TEXTBOOK
234. Laurence King Pub: Methods and Theories of Art History 2nd Ed. TEXTBOOK
235. Oregon Public Broadcasting, Annenberg, PBS “American Passages: A Literary Survey.” Includes a PBS 2003
video series, textbook, and a comprehensive website for educators to use in courses in American literature. TEXTBOOK
236. ‘Gateways to Art’ (2E) by Debra J. DeWitte, Ralph M. Larmann and M. Kathryn Shields. Thames & Hudson Publisher. TEXTBOOK
237. 2014, University of Arizona Press, “Hidden History of Chavez Ravine” by JOHN LASLETT. BOOK
238. Book Title: The City Lost and Found: Capturing New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, 19601980. Authors: Katherine Bussard, Alison Fisher, and Greg Foster-Rice. Publisher: The Princeton University Art Museum; distributed by Yale University Press. BOOK
239. Cambium Learning Inc., “Passport Reading Journeys.” TEXTBOOK
240. Michael Elsohn Ross, “Changing Her World” (Chicago Review Press 2015.) BOOK
241. Laurence King Publishing and Pearson Education/Prentice Hall. Stokstad/Cothren: “Art A Brief History, 6th edition” Jan. 2015. TEXTBOOK
242. 2015, “Practicing Public History: California Stories at the Smithsonian” By Margaret Salazar-Porzio. Presented at the Annual Whitsett Lecture. California State University, Northridge March 26, 2015. ESSAY
243. 2015, Oxford University Press “American Art: Art Matters” BOOK
244. 2015, Ronald L. Mize. The Invisible Workers of the U.S-Mexico Bracero Program: Obreros Olvidados, June 2016 Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. BOOK
245. 2015, Duke University Press, “Chicana/o Art: A Critical Anthology” Jennifer Gonzalez. BOOK
246. 2015, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publisher “Avancemos 2” Unit Level Ancillary. TEXTBOOK
247. The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History “Teaching With Documents.” 2015 BOOK
248. Routledge Publishing, The Everyday Practice of Public Art: Art, Space, and Social Inclusion. “A Collective Timeline of Socially Engaged Public Art Practice 1950-2015.” Authors: Cameron Cartiere, Sophie Hope, Anthony Schrag, Elisa Yon, Martin Zebracki
249. Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong, “Scott Foresman Art” TEXTBOOK
250. 2016, American Art by Erika Doss, Oxford University Press BOOK
251. 2016, Hatier Paris Publishers; Nadine Gudmard, Meeting Point terminale STMG Livre de l’élève Nuart: 2641746 BOOK
252. 2016, Sydney J. Levine, Iberoamerican Film Business and Financing: By Country. BOOK
253. 2016, MIT Press “Archive Everything” (chapter on Lynn Hershman Leeson¹s RAW/WAR project) BOOK
254. 2016, PRACTICING PUBLIC HISTORY: California Stories at the Smithsonian By Margaret Salazar-Porzio Presented as the Annual Whitsett Lecture California State University, Northridge March 26, 2015 ESSAY
255. MHHE, Dorwick, Puntos de Partida: An Invitation to Spanish. 2/10/17 TEXTBOOK
256. Andrea Lepage, “Multiple Ways of Knowing: Layers of History on The Great Wall of Los Angeles.” In Anthropology of Los Angeles: City, Image, Politics. Edited by Jennifer Bahn and Melissa King. Maryland: Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield Publisher, c. January 2017. BOOK
257. 2017, Andrea Lepage, “The Great Wall of Los Angeles: Bridging Divides and Mitigating Cultural Erasure” in (the journal) The Latin Americanist to be published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. JOURNAL
258. Fall 2018, Josh T. France Ph.D “Finding Yourself: Judy Baca discovers her presence in the Archives of American Art.” Archives of American Art Journal, special issue on Latinx art. JOURNAL
1. William Wilson, “Chicana Artists still seeking identification,” Los Angeles Times (June 23, 1975) NEWSPAPER
2. “A long colorful line captures California” Los Angeles Herald Examiner, (October 24, 1976) NEWSPAPER
3. George Beronivs,“The Murals of East Los Angeles” Los Angeles Times, Home Magazine (April 11, 1976) MAGAZINE
4. Catherine Calvert, “Judith Baca Activist/Artist,” Mademoiselle, April, 1977 MAGAZINE
5. Jim Grant, “Clamor in the Slammer,” Evening Outlook (November 19, 1977) NEWSPAPER
6. “A Nation of Neighborhoods: Mexican American street gangs take up brushes,” Christian Science Monitor (October 1977) NEWSPAPER
7. William S. Murphy, “Growing History,” Los Angeles Times (September 26, 1978) NEWSPAPER
8. Martin Zucker, “Walls of Barrio Are Brought to Life by Street Gang Art,” Smithsonian Magazine (October 1978), 105-111 MAGAZINE
9. Dennis A. Williams with Martin Kasindorf, Stryker McGuire & Jeff B. Copeland, “Talking Walls” Newsweek (January 1, 1979) MAGAZINE
10. “Dust Mobile to Aid in Drug Campaign,” Los Angeles Times, West Side (August 23, 1979) NEWSPAPER
11. “Tiger in a Cage,” Artweek (October 6, 1979) ART JOURNAL
12. “I Muri Raccontano La Storia Della California” Epoca Italian (November 1979) NEWSPAPER
13. John L. Mitchell, “Funds Granted for Artist to Paint 400 More Feet of Tujunga Wash Mural” Los Angeles Times, (February 1980) NEWSPAPER
14. Allan Parachini, “Tujunga Wash mural stands up to storm,” Los Angeles Times (March 13, 1980) NEWSPAPER
15. Herb Carlton, “Historical Painting,” Valley News Section Two (August 31, 1980) NEWSPAPER
16. Jane de Lorenzo, ”Tujunga Wash: an unlikely classroom,” The Ledger-Verdugo Vistas (September 6, 1980) NEWSPAPER
17. Carrie Rickey, “Art,” The Village Voice (New York) XXV/37 (September 10-16, 1980) NEWSPAPER
18. Michele Kort, “The Great Wall of Los Angeles Takes Art to New Lengths,” LA Weekly (September 12, 1980) NEWSPAPER
19. Ying Ying Wu, “Mural, mural on the Great Wall,” Los Angeles Times (Sep. 16, 1980) NEWSPAPER
20. Donna den Boer, “Baca Creates the Great Wall of Los Angeles,” The New Times [San Fernando Valley] (October 1980) NEWSPAPER
21. Max Nuñez, “The Great Wall of Los Angeles Makes History,” Q-Vo Magazine, November 1980 MAGAZINE
22. “Folk history on an L.A. wall,” Life Magazine December 1980 MAGAZINE
23. Dorothy Burkhardt, “Chicano Pride and Anger Mix at ‘Califas’,” The Tab (April 12, 1981), 34 NEWSPAPER
24. “L.A. Gears up for its Bicentennial: From contribution of Koala bears to exhibits of vintage streetlights” Los Angeles Times May 25, 1981 NEWSPAPER
25. P. Demenet et C. Boisseaux-Chical, “Los Angeles: Les Murs Parlent,” La Vie, Paris, (July 8, 1981) MAGAZINE
26. Arlene Pinzler, “Murals with a special message” Los Angeles Times Home Magazine, September 6, 1981 NEWSPAPER
27. Joel P. Lugavere, “Artists to add ‘40s to Great Wall Mural,” Los Angeles Times, September 20, 1981). NEWSPAPER
28. Kay Mills, “The Great Wall of L.A.,” Ms. Magazine (October 1981), 66-69 MAGAZINE
29. Vivien Raynor, “2 Shows Contrast Social Realism and Conceptualism,” The New York Times (November 8, 1981) NEWSPAPER
30. “Creativity with Bill Moyers,” Television Times, Los Angeles Times Supplement (May 1, 1982) NEWSPAPER
31. Alan Barnett, “Community Murals, Spring 1982,” International Community Muralists Magazine, (Summer 1982), 3 MAGAZINE
32. “The CA Chicano Mural Documentation Project,” Durfee Foundation Publication (1982-1986) JOURNAL
33. Jennifer Smith, “Venice Views,” Evening Outlook (January 27, 1983) – NEWSPAPER
34. Isabel Anderson, ”Community in Transition,” Artweek 14/7 (February 19, 1983) ART JOURNAL
35. Emily Hicks, “BiCoastal Links,” Artweek 14/16 (April 23, 1983) ART JOURNAL
36. Tim Drescher, Community Murals Magazine, San Francisco (Spring 1983) MAGAZINE
37. Cecil Yates, “Work Resumes on Great Wall,” Daily News (August 30, 1983) NEWSPAPER
38. Gloria Oakland, “A Truly Public Art,” LA Weekly (January 13-19, 1984) NEWSPAPER
39. Adrienne Rosenthal, “Art for Our Sake: L.A.’s Olympic Murals,” Daily News (Feb. 24, 1984) NEWSPAPER
40. Carol Kenna, “Olympic Champions 1948-1964 Breaking Barriers,” Community Magazine (Spring 1984) MAGAZINE
41. Morgan Gendel, “Civil Wars and ‘Great Wall’ Exhibits Open,” Los Angeles Times, (June 11, 1984) NEWSPAPER
42. Richard Tuber, “Great Wall is an open door to past,” Los Angeles Metro Herald (July 26, 1984) NEWSPAPER
43. Sandy Nelson, “L.A. Freeway Murals Honor the 23rd Olympiad,” Images and Issues Contemporary Art Review (July/August 1984) ART REVIEW
44. “Great Wall: An L.A. Mural Project Turns Flood Control into Art,” Golden State Magazine, (Autumn 1984) MAGAZINE
45. “On the Lighter Side…Olympians Brighten Freeway with Paint,” Penthouse (August 1984) MAGAZINE
46. Jeanette Valentine, “Wall of History,” The Los Angeles Times (August 12, 1984) NEWSPAPER
47. Archives of American Art Journal 24/ (1984) 38 ART JOURNAL
48. “Design Development and Self Determination in Hispanic Communities” La Communidad (1984) JOURNAL
49. Richard Atcheson, “Journey to the Heart of Los Angeles,” New Connections Vol. 2 (1985) 12-13 MAGAZINE
50. Marlene Donohue, “Grass Roots Art Finds Freedom in Jail,” The Los Angeles Times (Jan. 8, 1985) NEWSPAPER
51. Sandra Luz Gallegos, “Artistas Pobres Podrian Realizar Sus Ambiciones,” La Opinion (March 22, 1985) NEWSPAPER
52. Tom Huth, “Here’s California’ California (June 1985) 26-27 MAGAZINE
53. Judy Brill, “Local mural program uses billboards to sell ideas” The Argonaut (July 20, 1985) NEWSPAPER
54. “Contemporary Muralism,” UC Mexus News 14/15 (Summer/Fall 1985) JOURNAL
55. Colleen Bently-Adler, “Studious Art,” UCI Journal (December1985/January 1986) JOURNAL
56. Aida Ferrarone, “Nominada como ‘Hisana del Año,” Noticias del MUNDO (January 31, 1986) NEWSPAPER
57. Michelle Burgess, “A New Image for L.A.,” Vista USA (Winter 1986-87), 42-46 NEWSPAPER
58. “Judy Baca Directed the largest mural in the world” Caminos, February, 1986, 8 NEWSPAPER
59. Zan Durbin, “Artists get in step with peace march,” The Los Angeles Times (February 7, 1986) NEWSPAPER
60. “Judith Baca Mexicoamericana” Saludos Hispanos May/June, 1986, 28 MAGAZINE
61. “UCI Professor to Join Arts Group,” Orange Coast Daily Pilot (June 22, 1986) NEWSPAPER
62. Encuentro: A Colombian Quincentendary Newsletter “Work to continue on longest mural in the world” Summer 1986 NEWSPAPER
63. “Murals Resurface on City’s Arts Agenda,” Los Angeles Times Calendar, (August 13, 1986) NEWSPAPER
64. Beverly Beyette, “Have art, will travel to skid row, or jail,” Los Angeles Times, (August 28, 1986) NEWSPAPER
65. “Venice Muralist Honored,” The Argonaut (October 16, 1986) NEWSPAPER
66. Claudia Puig,“Young Poets Hope for Break at Old Jail,” The Los Angeles Times (November 30, 1986) NEWSPAPER
67. Zan Durbin, “Freeway Murals to be Restored,” The Los Angeles Times (December 23, 1986) NEWSPAPER
68. Zan Durbin, “L.A. Muralist’s Second Cover Story,” The Los Angeles Times (Feb. 4, 1987) NEWSPAPER
69. “Artwork,” Women of Power (Spring, 1987) JOURNAL
70. “Muralist Judy Baca has a long history of artwork,” San Antonio Light Section J, (November 29, 1987) NEWSPAPER
71. Michele Burgess “A New Image for L.A.” Vista USA (Winter 1986/1987) 42-46 JOURNAL
72. David Pickering, “The Art of Going Public,” Corpus Christi Caller (Nov. 24, 1988) NEWSPAPER
73. Amy Siegel and Steve Dalzell, “Guadalupe Murals,” Santa Maria Times (January 11, 1988) NEWSPAPER
74. “Comision Feminil de Los Angeles salutes Latina artists,” Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the 100th Congress, Second Session, Vol. 134, No. 18, (February 24, 1988) JOURNAL
75. “L.A. murals aren’t off the wall,” Daily News: L.A. Life (March 26, 1988) NEWSPAPER
76. Kenneth Turan,“Born in East L.A.: Latino artists and entertainers make their mark on the international map” Los Angeles Times Magazine Col IV, No. 12, March 27, 1988 NEWSPAPER
77. Barbara Carrasco, “Comision Femenil honors three Latina artists” America’s 2001 Vol. 1, No. 5, March/April, 1988 MAGAZINE
78. “Murals resurface on city’s art agenda,” Los Angeles Times, Calendar Section, August 13, 1988 NEWSPAPER
79. “Calling the Role of Latinos,” New York Times, September 30, 1988 NEWSPAPER
80. Daily Bruin, University of California, Los Angeles, September 30, 1988 NEWSPAPER
81. Vantage Point: The Magazine of the American Council for the Arts, West Coast Regional issues forum,” October 1988 MAGAZINE
82. Jude McGee, “Painter Power,” Los Angeles Magazine (November 1988) MAGAZINE
83. “Los Angeles Muralist to Lecture,” The Paisano (Nov. 24, 1988) NEWSPAPER
84. “Guadalupe history is brought to life,” Santa Maria Times (December 22, 1988) NEWSPAPER
85. Los Angeles Times Calendar Section (February 3, 1989) NEWSPAPER
86. “Murals in Progress” (Cover Story) Valley Living (February 10, 1989) NEWSPAPER
87. Kim Christensen, “Work Halted on UCI’s Student Mural,” Orange County Register (March 4, 1989) NEWSPAPER
88. Murals spark further controversy,” New University (March 6, 1989)NEWSPAPER
89. “Student murals on the wall of a UCI construction site” Los Angeles Times (March 26, 1989) NEWSPAPER
90. Daniel B. Wood, “An Ancient Art Brings Pride & Tolerance,” Christian Science Monitor, April 4, 1989 NEWSPAPER
91. Lucy Lippard, “Mixing It Up: Symposium Crosses Cultural Through Art,” Boulder Daily Camera (April 7, 1989) NEWSPAPER
92. “Guadalupe Street, Guadalupe” The Guadalupe Independent May 4, 1989 NEWSPAPER
93. “World Peace mural exhibit,” The Argonaut May 18, 1989 NEWSPAPER
94. Daryl H. Miller, “Baca hopes ‘Wall’ can scale barriers,” Daily News (June 30, 1989) NEWSPAPER
95. Daryl Miller, “A Wall Designed to Break Down Barriers,” San Francisco Chronicle (July 4, 1989) NEWSPAPER
96. “Art Pick of the Week,” L.A. Weekly, July 21-27, 1989 NEWSPAPER
97. Ramin Zahed, “Hispanic Heritage Month: Southern California’s Hispanic leaders remember the role models who gave them pride and inspired them to succeed,” KCET Magazine, October, 1989 MAGAZINE
98. Janice Ross, “Pushing the boundary between war and peace,” Los Angeles Times, Calendar Section, October 1, 1989 NEWSPAPER
99. Graciela Frings, “Impulso a la esperanza en el movimiento del mural Chicano,” Replica No. 877 (Nov. 1989)MAGAZINE
100. Peter Clothier, “L.A.: Outward Bound” ARTnews December 1989, 127-131 MAGAZINE
101. “Song Festival Finnish artists collaborate,” Torstaina Kesakumm June 14, 1990 INTERVIEW
102. Matti Rinne, “Joensuu artists head for the Barcelona Olympics,” Kesaperjantai, June 15, 1990 NEWSPAPER
103. “Joensuu Song Festival Peace Talks within the ‘World Wall,’” Karjalainen, Culture Section, June 20, 1990 NEWSPAPER
104. The Argonaut, What’s On-Arts, Entertainment, Dining Guide, “Art for Peace” July 12, 1990 NEWSPAPER
105. Soviet Pravada “The collaborative work ‘World Wall’ opens today in Moscow,” July 14, 1990 NEWSPAPER
106. Laura Accinelli, “Building a wall for peace” Daily Breeze Life and Arts Section, September 10, 1990 NEWSPAPER
107. Hispanic Heritage Month: Bilingual Activities Calendar and Program Guide “Muralist Judith Baca’s latest work to premier in September” September 15-October 14, 1990 PROGRAM
108. Frances K. Pohl, “’The World Wall: A Vision of the Future Without Fear’: An Interview with Judith F. Baca,” Frontiers 11/1 (1990), 33-43 INTERVIEW
109. Merle Schipper, “Art and Politics Paint a Colorful, Creative Portrait,” Daily News (December 8, 1990)NEWSPAPER
110. Donna Brookman, “Body/Culture: Chicano Figuration,” Artweek 21/42 (December 13, 1990) ART JOURNAL
111. “Back to the Wall” Los Angeles Times View Section, February 14, 1991 NEWSPAPER
112. “Judith Baca mural makes L.A. debut” Eastside Sun March 21, 1991 NEWSPAPER
113. El Sereno Star “‘World Wall’ mural will be shown at Lincoln Park,” March 20, 1991 NEWSPAPER
114. “Wall for all,” LA Weekly “April 11, 1991 NEWSPAPER
115. Kathy Register, Arts Beat, Jewish Journal, March 22, 1991 NEWSPAPER
116. “Murales que están haciendo historia, son exhibidos por primera vez en Los Angeles,” Farandula, March 28, 1991 NEWSPAPER
117. “A mural that travels around the world,” La Opinion, Panorama Section, April 5, 1991 NEWSPAPER
118. “Mural Magic” Daily News: L.A. Life, April 5, 1991 NEWSPAPER
119. “Celebrating Judith Baca’s vision for the ‘World,” Los Angeles Times, “April 5, 1991 NEWSPAPER
120. El Universal “Llevar un mensaje de trabajo para encontrar La Paz, dice Judith Baca” 4 de Abril, 1991 NEWSPAPER
121. Vecinos del Valle” El poder de una visión” May 8, 1991 NEWSPAPER
122. Anne Estrada, Hispanic Magazine “Judy Baca’s art for peace” May 1991 MAGAZINE
123. Southwest Art “Neighborhood Pride: A Los Angeles Mural Program Places History and culture in public spaces” (June 1991) INTERVIEW
124. “‘Triumph of the Hands’ exhibited in Gorky Park” UC Mexus News Summer 1991 INTERVIEW
125. Smithsonian Institute News “Mural by Chicana artist Judith Baca to open at Smithsonian’s Experimental Gallery” (June 24, 1991) JOURNAL
126. Susan Morgan, “LA is not Hollywood, Judy Baca, outdoor artist” Mirabella Magazine July 1991 MAGAZINE
127. “Mural by Chicana artist Judith Baca to open at the Smithsonian’s Gallery,” La Prensa San Diego (July 12, 1991) NEWSPAPER
128. “Great Walls’ for LA Neighborhoods” Los Angeles Times, F Section (July 26, 1991) NEWSPAPER
129. “Latin American Festival, Washington D.C.: Mural by Chicana Artist Judith Baca at the Experimental Gallery.” Smithsonian Institute News (July 22-28, 1991) JOURNAL
130. “Best Bets, Art,” People’s Weekly World (August 3, 1991) NEWSPAPER
131. Hugo Quintana, “Panorama: Encuentro de Mundos y de Razas” La Opinion (23 de Octobre de 1991) NEWSPAPER
132. Moira Roth, “Towards a World in Balance: A Conversation with Judy Baca, Part 1,” Artweek 22/38, (November 14, 1991), 10-11 ART JOURNAL
133. Moira Roth, “Towards a World in Balance: A Conversation with Judy Baca, Part 2,” Artweek 22/39 (November 21, 1991), 10-11 ART JOURNAL
134. Shauna Snow, “Chicana Wields a Mighty Brush to Place Los Angeles Murals on Global Display” Los Angeles Times, (November 21, 1991) NEWSPAPER
135. Stephanie Finucane, “Guadalupe faces up to new murals,” Santa Barbara News-Press, (December 8, 1991) NEWSPAPER
136. Travis A. Ramirez, “La Raza Report,” Low Rider Magazine January, 1992 MAGAZINE
137. Lynn Pyne, “Artist at large: Baca lets her murals speak for the people who help create them,” Phoenix Gazette Style Section (March 3, 1992) NEWSPAPER
138. Kerry Blankenship, “A panel discussion,” Santa Barbara Independent (April 30-May 7, 1992) NEWSPAPER
139. Bob Elston, “Painting a portrait of a riot: Mural by UCI class depicts the anger…and the healing,” Los Angeles Times (June 5, 1992) NEWSPAPER
140. Photograph from UCI mural class, “Illustrating a Point,” Orange County Register (June 5, 1992) NEWSPAPER
141. “Baldwin Park selects artist” Metrolink Connection (June 1992) NEWSPAPER
142. Valerie Martinez,“Vision: Chicano muralists” Lifestyle J Section (July 5, 1992) NEWSPAPER
143. Blaise Tobia and Virginia Maksymowicz,“The Great Wall of Los Angeles,” The Witness, October 1992 NEWSPAPER
144. “Historic Latina Women in Los Angeles,” L.A. Women 3rd Quarter, Vol. 12, Issue 3, 1992 JOURNAL
145. Connie Monagham, “Learning Pick of the Week: Judy Baca” L.A. Weekly (November 19-25,1993) NEWSPAPER
146. Quendrith Johnson, “A Brush with Judy Baca” The Argonaut “What’s On, Art Section, (November 18, 1993) NEWSPAPER
147. Barbara Hernandez, “UCLA Professor to Argue Merit of Spraycan Artists” UCLA Magazine School of the Arts and Entertainment Section (November 18, 1993) MAGAZINE
148. Brian Maxwell, “Graffiti views: Taggers, writers tell UCLA class their efforts are art form” Outlook, [Westside] (November 18, 1993) NEWSPAPER
149. “Tag Lines: Two graffiti practitioners profess their craft to a class of UCLA undergraduates” Los Angeles Times Metro Section (November 18, 1993) NEWSPAPER
150. “Exposiciones” El Sol de Mexico En la Sociedad, Seccion D, Pagina 5, 11 de (Noviembre de 1993) NEWSPAPER
151. Gabriel Rodriguez Piña, “Arte del otro Mexico: Fuentes y significados” El Nacional (Mexico City) Exposiciones (11 de Noviembre de 1993) NEWSPAPER
152. Adriana Moncada, “La Igualdad, Un Mito en EU,” Uno Mas Uno (10 de Noviembre 1993) NEWSPAPER
153. Cartelera 32: Museos,” La Jornada (10 de Noviembre de 1993) NEWSPAPER
154. “Arte de Otro Mexico, en el MAM” Excelsior (09 de Noviembre de 1993) NEWSPAPER
155. Patricia Velazquez Yebra, “Vinieron del otro lado: Veinte artistas Chicanos expondrad en el MAM,”El Universal (09 de Noviembre de 1993) NEWSPAPER
156. Gia Gittleson, “SPARC: Judy Baca of the Social and Public Art Resource Center lights up L.A.’s outdoor cultural life,” Venice Magazine (November 1993) MAGAZINE
157. Zan Dubin, “Muralist honors American Indians” Los Angeles Times Orange County Edition (August 10, 1993) NEWSPAPER
158. Zan Dubin, “Journey Back in Time” Los Angeles Times Calendar Section (July 27, 1993) NEWSPAPER
159. Berkley Hudson, “Riding the Rails of History” Los Angeles Times San Gabriel Valley edition (July 25, 1993) NEWSPAPER
160. “World Wall will go on exhibit in Mexico City,” San Fernando Valley Today Vol. 20, No. 25 (June 25, 1993) NEWSPAPER
161. “Mural Action” Artweek Vol. 24, No. 12 (June 17, 1993) ART JOURNAL
162. “Artist’s exhibit due in Mexico” The Outlook (June 1, 1993) NEWSLETTER
163. Pamela Polivka, “Metrolink celebrates with free train rides” Baldwin Park Bulletin Vol. 1, No. 47 (May 20, 1993) NEWSPAPER
164. Albert Vargas, “Metrolink riders can expect commute with culture” San Gabriel Valley News (May 19, 1993) NEWSPAPER
165. El Hispano “World Wall Art Travels to Mexico” (May 19, 1993) NEWSPAPER
166. “Photograph of Undergraduate mural, ‘The City’” UCI Items (May 1993) NEWSPAPER
167. Tom Jennings,“Cuts may end Venice Public Art Program” The Outlook (Westside), (April 27, 1993) NEWSPAPER
168. “Unity angels don’t reflect the real L.A.” Los Angeles Times (April 27, 1993) NEWSPAPER
169. Nancy Kapitanoff,“Street Gallery Works” Los Angeles Times (March 14, 1993) NEWSPAPER
170. “Art makes up for lapses in class,” Daily Bulletin (March 7, 1993) NEWSPAPER
171. Glenn Whipp,“Going Baca to Baca” Tribune Daily News Living Section, (March 7, 1993) NEWSPAPER
172. “Judith F. Baca: Sites and Insights” Los Angeles Times, (March 6, 1993)NEWSPAPER
173. B. J. Violett, “Parting Shot: A Multicultural Mural,” UCLA Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 4, (Winter, 1994) 64 MAGAZINE
174. Nancy Kaptianoff,“Street Gallery Works,” Los Angeles Times Westside Valley (March 14, 1994) NEWSPAPER
175. Katherine Sherman, “Muralist Judith F. Baca to Speak at SCAD,” Georgia Guardian Vol. 3, NO. 13, Page 1C (March 25-31, 1994) NEWSPAPER
176. Judith Baca, Graffiti: Arte or Vandalismo?” Los Angeles Times “Nuestro Tiempo Section (April 21, 1994) NEWSPAPER
177. “La Ofrenda to the Domestic Worker,” UCI News Paper (April 27, 1994) NEWSPAPER
178. Michael J. Allen, “Muralist brings multiculturalism to mainstream art: Professor Judith Baca share her skill with UCI students and inner-city youth,” New University Features (May 2, 1994) NEWSPAPER
179. “Art Conference: 40 Experts Talk about Arts,” The Albuquerque Tribune (May 20, 1994) NEWSPAPER
180. Thomas S. Hines,“It’s No Day in the Country,” Los Angeles Times Calendar Section, Sunday, (May 22, 1994) NEWSPAPER
181. Nancy Kapitanoff, “Off the Street and Into the Art Gallery,” Los Angeles Times Westside Section (May 26, 1994) NEWSPAPER
182. Dave Wielenga, “World Class Murals,” Long Beach Press D Section, (May 28, 1994) NEWSPAPER
183. Lynell George,“The Real ‘West Side Story” Los Angeles Times Life and Style Section, (Friday, July 22, 1994) NEWSPAPER
184. Louinn Lota, “Taggers teach art class, exhibit work at galleries” Daily News L.A. Life and Style Section, (August 2, 1994) NEWSPAPER
185. Christopher Knight, “Is L.A. Public Art a Pie in the Sky?,” Los Angeles Times Calendar Section (October 23, 1994) NEWSPAPER
186. “El Origen Chicano en el otro Mexico,” Noticias (10 de Noviembre 19994) NEWSPAPER
187. “Expondran aqui 20 artistas Chicanos,” Noticias (10 de Noviembre 1994) NEWSPAPER
188. “Vistarian Chicago Artistas Oaxaqueños,” Noticias (10 de Noviembre 1994) NEWSPAPER
189. Aaron Betsky, “Edge-Wise,” Los Angeles Times (November 20, 1994) NEWSPAPER
190. “World Wall: A Vision of the Future Without Fear” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies14/2, 81-85 (1994) INTERVIEW
191. Mayra Fernandez: Judy Baca, Artist, Modern Curriculum Press, 1994 CHILDREN’S BOOK
192. Meg Sullivan, “Latina Artist to Paint Topping Center Mural on Chicano Themes,” USC Chronicle 15/2 (September 4, 1995) NEWSPAPER
193. “Professor Profile,” Inspiration, UCLA James E. West Center (April 1996) JOURNAL
194. Jasmine Lee, “With a Wide Brush: Venice muralist paints the town red…and blue and green,” Los Angeles Times (July 26, 1996) NEWSPAPER
195. “Muralist Judy Baca will be guest lecturer at Atheneum,” El Extra News Vol. 20, No. 7, Hartford, CN, (1 de Noviembre de 1996) NEWSPAPER
196. Jan Breslauer, “Drawing On A Dual Legacy,” Los Angeles Times (January 2, 1997) NEWSPAPER
197. “On and Off the Wall: Users’ Guide to Public Art in Los Angeles,” L.A. Weekly (January 10-16, 1997) NEWSPAPER
198. Kirk McKoy, “An Off-The-Wall History of the Taper,” The Los Angeles Times Calendar (April 7, 1997) NEWSPAPER
199. “Lifetime Achievement Sponsored by Sheraton,” Hispanic Magazine (August 1997) MAGAZINE
200. “L.A.’s Support of Graffiti Opens More Than a Can of Spray Paint” The Wall Street Journal (August 23, 1997) NEWSPAPER
201. “Going Underground,” The Santa Monica Outlook (September 4, 1997) NEWSPAPER
202. “Where Life is Sideshow, Street Art Passes Limit,” The New York Times (September 19, 1997) NEWSPAPER
203. “Graffiti Pit Cover-Up,” The Lighthouse Magazine (September 1997) MAGAZINE
204. Alfredo J. Estrada, “Hispanic Achievements Awards” Hispanic Magazine (November 1997) MAGAZINE
205. “Israel Murals Reveals The Fault Lines at 50” New York Times Front Page (April 28, 1998) NEWSPAPER
206. “30 year anniversary celebration, California State University Northridge, and famous graduates,” Los Angeles Daily News Front Page (April 28, 1998) NEWSPAPER
207. Adalberto Rios, “Los Murales de Los Angeles” Vuelo Mexicana Airlines (June 1998) MAGAZINE
208. Sharline Chiang, “CSUN’s Brightest,” Daily News (September 21, 1998) NEWSPAPER
209. “Distinctive L.A. Art Legacy Under Siege,” Los Angeles Times July 23, 1999 NEWSPAPER
210. Ramon de la Rosa, “Beyond The Mexican Mural,” La Gente 29/1 (November 1999), 20-21 MAGAZINE
211. “Venice: SPARC seeks repair space for traveling mural panels.” The Argonaut (January 13, 2000) NEWSPAPER
212. “A Boost from Baca,” The Durango Herald (January 28, 2000) NEWSPAPER
213. “Our soil’s story,” The Denver Post (January 29, 2000) NEWSPAPER
214. Mary Voelz Chandler, “Mud and Blood: DIA Mural captures flight of emigrants from Mexican Revolution,” Denver Rocky Mountain News (January 29, 2000) NEWSPAPER
215. Joyce Gregory Wyels, “Great Walls, Vibrant Voices” Americas Magazine (February 2000) – MAGAZINE
216. Mary Voelz Chandler, “Graphic History, Story of Refugees from Mexican Revolution unfolds on DIA Wall,” Denver Rocky Mountain News (February 2, 2000) NEWSPAPER
217. Duncan Campbell, “Los Angeles Muralists Look Beyond the Brick Wall,” The London Guardian, (February 14, 2000) NEWSPAPER
218. Marcela Rojas, “Not A Banner Year” Westside Weekly (March 10, 200) NEWSPAPER
219. Marlene Donahue, “A Private Look at a Public Eye,” Our Times (March 19, 2000) NEWSPAPER
220. Dominic Berbeo, “Artists Hope to Draw City Funds to Restore World’s Longest Mural,” Daily News (April 2, 2000) NEWSPAPER
221. Juan Espinosa,“Mural Speaks Volumes,” The Pueblo Chieftain (April 17, 2000) NEWSPAPER
222. Greg Risling, “Artist Fight to Preserve Their Mural,” The Los Angeles Times (April 23, 2000) – NEWSPAPER
223. Dominic Berbeo, “City Council Earmarking $100,000 for Mural Work,” Daily News (May 18, 2000) NEWSPAPER
224. K. Schipper, “Printing Public Art, ‘Pushing the Limits’, Denver Airport” Digital Graphics Magazine (July 2000) – MAGAZINE
225. Dominic Berbeo, “The Great Debate: Artist, City disagree on mural restoration,” Daily News (August 7, 2000) NEWSPAPER
226. “From Blank Walls to Blank Screens: SPARC’s Digital Mural Lot,” Working Capital Fund News (Fall 2000) NEWSLETTER
227. Cynthia Lee, “The Writing On The Wall,” UCLA Magazine (Fall 2000) MAGAZINE
228. Jodi Garber, “Exhibit flaunts artistry, heritage,” El Paso Times (Sunday, September 17, 2000) NEWSPAPER
229. Taylor Holliday, “View/Art: L.A. Murals, Up Against the Wall,” Wall Street Journal (September 29, 2000) NEWSPAPER
230. Greg Risling,“Mural Most Needs the Color Green,” Los Angeles Times (October 30, 2000) NEWSPAPER
231. “Murals pay homage to history, heritage,” UCLA Today (November 21, 2000) NEWSPAPER
232. Keli Dailey, “Muralists Raise Hue and Cry Over Graffiti,” Westside Weekly, (April 29, 2001) NEWSPAPER
233. Hugo Martin and Lorena Muñoz, “Taggers, Caltrans Take a Toll on Freeway Murals,” Los Angeles Times (May 3, 2001) NEWSPAPER
234. Shirena Trujillo, “Arts Center Mural Fuels Debate About Diversity,” The Durango Herald (May 13, 2001) NEWSPAPER
235. James Ricci, “Against the Wall: Time and Taggers Take Their Toll on Murals,” The Los Angeles Times Magazine (July 8, 2001) MAGAZINE
236. “Venice Muralist Judy Baca Honored by Liberty Hill Group,” The Argonaut (July 12, 2001) NEWSPAPER
237. Mattias Karen, “Mural, mural on the wall,” Westside Weekly (August, 2001) NEWSPAPER
238. Agustin Garza, “The Globe is her Canvas,” The Los Angeles Times (August 19, 2001) NEWSPAPER
239. “Self-portrait of a Muralist,” The Los Angeles Times (August 26, 2001) NEWSPAPER
240. Michelle Turnage, “Professor honored for Work, Baca extols value of using art as an education tool,” UCLA Daily Bruin (August 27, 2001) NEWSPAPER
241. “Diaspora,” The Korea Times (October 3, 2001) NEWSPAPER
242. Richard Chang, “Art comes of age in L.A.” Show: The Orange County Register (November 4, 2001) MAGAZINE
243. Barbara Roscoe, “Schools cope with September 11 tragedy through artwork,” The Montclarion (January 1, 2002) NEWSPAPER
244. David Ferrell, “Hidden Portrait of a City,” Los Angeles Times (February 21, 2002) NEWSPAPER
245. Jennifer Sinco Kelleher, “Writing on Wall for Mural Program,” Los Angeles Times (March 16, 2002) NEWSPAPER
246. Greg Risling, “Artists Fight to Preserve Their Mural,” Los Angeles Times (April 23, 2002) NEWSPAPER
247. Nancy Richmond, “Downtown Color,” The Durango Herald (April 25, 2002) NEWSPAPER
248. Indianna Reed, “Heritage Mural ‘reCollections’ installed at Durango Arts Center,” Four Corners Business (May 6, 2002) JOURNAL
249. Indiana Reed, “New Durango Attractions,” Four Corners Business Journal (May 6-19, 2002) JOURNAL
250. Morely Ballantine, “Editor’s Note/Opinion,” The Durango Herald (May 7, 2002) NEWSPAPER
251. Charlie Langdon, “re Collections: Community Mural to be Dedicated Today at Durango Arts Center,” The Durango Herald (May 10, 2002) NEWSPAPER
252. Judith Reynolds, “Durango’s Heritage Celebrated,” The Durango Herald (May 11, 2002) NEWSPAPER
253. Barbara Tannenbaum, “Where Miles of Murals Preach a People’s Gospel,” New York Times (May 26, 2002) NEWSPAPER
254. Lisa Mascaro, “Wall Mural Fading Fast,” Los Angeles Daily News (June 2, 2002) NEWSPAPER
255. Gary Walker, “SPARC: The Legacy Continues,” Weekly Press (6/13/02) NEWSPAPER
256. Judith Reynolds, “The Mural on Second Ave.,” The Durango Herald (Sunday, June 30, 2002) NEWSPAPER
257. Susan Emerling, “A Remarkable Journey,” Los Angeles Times (10/06/02) NEWSPAPER
258. Suzanne Muchnic, “Siqueiros Mural Reemerges,” Los Angeles Times (October 24, 2002) NEWSPAPER
259. Gabriela Allende, ”Judith Baca e sus murales para salvar a la juvented.” La Revista Cristina (April 13, 2003) 62-64 MAGAZINE
260. Marc Ferris, ”PEACE SIGNS When urban artists want an outlet for their views, they don’t call CNN. They take it to the streets.” VIBE Magazine (August 2003) 58-59 MAGAZINE
261. Hugo Martin, “Mural Repair Grant Stops Short of Need,” Los Angeles Times (2004) NEWSPAPER
262. Dawn Page, “Una vision mundial de paz,” La Opinion (May 26, 2004) NEWSPAPER
263. Rahne Pistor, “Elect This! Emotions run high among artists in SPARC exhibit in Venice,” The Argonaut (October 28, 2004) NEWSPAPER
264. “Back To the Wall,” People Magazine, May 24, 2004, pp. 98 MAGAZINE
265. Hugo Martin, “Mural Repair Grant Stops Short of Need,” LA Times (February 22, 2005) NEWSPAPER
266. “Foster Care Children Work with Muralist,” Santa Monica Mirror, Life & Arts (March 23, 2005) NEWSPAPER
267. Ben Ehrenreich, “A Considerable Town in Occupied Territory,” LA Weekly (May 10, 2005) NEWSPAPER
268. Christina L. Esparza, “Monument Draws Fire,” San Gabriel Valley Tribune May 10, 2005) NEWSPAPER
269. Christina L. Esparza, “Group plans protest at site of monument,” San Gabriel Valley Tribune (May 12, 2005) NEWSPAPER
270. David Pierson and Patricia Ward Biederman, “Protest Over Art Forces Police to Draw the Line,” Los Angeles Times (May 15, 2005) NEWSPAPER
271. “Venice Artists at Center of anti-immigration storm,” Beach Head issue 285 (June 2005) NEWSPAPER
272. Sahra Susman, “Baldwin Park Draws Large Numbers of Protestors, Police,” Pasadena Independent (June 2005) NEWSPAPER
273. Christina L. Esparza, “Still looking for Help,” San Gabriel Valley Tribune (June 15, 2005) NEWSPAPER
274. Christina L. Esparza & Phil Drake, “City mandates protest permits,” San Gabriel Valley Tribune (June 16, 2005)NEWSPAPER
275. Eileen Truax, “Crece la polarización por derechos de inmigrantes,” La Opinion (June 18, 2005) NEWSPAPER
276. Christina L. Esparza, “Rival groups plan to protest,” San Gabriel Valley Tribune (June 20, 2005) NEWSPAPER
277. David Pierson, “A Monumental War of Words,” Los Angeles Times (June 25, 2005) NEWSPAPER
278. Jorge Morales Almada, “Monumento de Baldwin Park se queda,” La Opinion (June 26, 2005) NEWSPAPER
279. Wendy Thermos, “Immigration Protest in Baldwin Park is Peaceful,” Los Angeles Times (June 26, 2005) NEWSPAPER
280. Marianne Love and Shirley Hsu, “Protest Attracts Many Messengers,” San Gabriel Valley Tribune (June 26, 2005) NEWSPAPER
281. Fred Alvarez, “A Street-Fighter Mentality on Illegal Immigration,” Los Angeles Times (June 27, 2005) NEWSPAPER
282. Sara B. Miller, “ A monument stirs immigration debate,” Christian Science Monitor (June 29, 2005) NEWSPAPER
283. Scott Williams, “The 100 Influentials,” Hispanic Business Magazine, October 2005, pp. 42 MAGAZINE
284. Alex Dobuzinskis, “Plans are afoot to rehabilitate L.A.’s Great Wall,” Daily News (November 7, 2005.) NEWSPAPER
285. Mohammod Mack, “Writing on the Walls: Judy Baca,” LA Weekly , (April 21-27, 2006) MAGAZINE
286. George Melrod, “In The Public Eye Across Southern California, Public Art Is Thriving.” Lifescapes Magazine, July 2006 MAGAZINE
287. Christina Pompa Kwok, GW feature, Tu Ciudad Magazine, June/July’06 MAGAZINE
288. Christina Pompa-Kwok, Tu Ciudad Magazine, highlighting SPARC’s 30th anniversary in August/September 2006 issue. MAGAZINE
289. Betsy Goldman, “SPARC tells the neighborhoods’ stories thru public art.” The Argonaut, September 7, 2006
290. Carlos Paul, “El arte debe estar al sevicio de los pueblos, reivindica artista chicana,” La Jornada. (October 10, 2006) NEWSPAPER
291. Laura Mecoy, “Restoration of a hidden treasure becomes a rallying cry to revive L.A.’s murals.” The Sacramento Bee, November 28, 2006 NEWSPAPER
292. Susan Abram, “Extreme Makeover Taggers using L.A.’spublic murals to showcase their graffiti, ruining years of artists’ work.” Sunday Daily News (January 7, 2007) NEWSPAPER
293. Eileen Truax, “Oaxaca En Nuestros Corazones,” La Opinion. (1/12/07) NEWSPAPER
294. Lynne Heffley, “A Moveable Street Scene,” The Los Angeles Times. (1/14/07) NEWSPAPER
295. Sam Lubell, Architect’s Newspaper featuring Judy Baca, January 2007 NEWSPAPER
296. La Gente de Aztlan at UCLA: interview about Oaxaca in our Hearts Exhibit February 2, 2007 MAGAZINE
297. Suzanne Muchnic, ‘WACK’ Art and the Feminist Revolution’ is signature MOCA, an ambitious attempt to rethink the history of contemporary art.–The Next Big Thing.” Los Angeles Times Art & Music Section Sunday, March 4,2007 NEWSPAPER
298. Christopher Knight, “A Feminist Breakout,” The Los Angeles Times: Calendar Section. (March 5, 2007) NEWSPAPER
299. “Best of Issue,” Los Angeles Magazine features GW, April 2007 MAGAZINE
300. Andrew Blankstein and Ari B. Bloomekatz, “Taggers spray, parents pay,” Los Angeles Times, September 29, 2007
301. Susan Abram and Sue Doyle, “L.A.’s street murals disappearing,” Daily News, October 22, 2007
302. Pablo Morales, NACLA Report on the Americas 2007 MAGAZINE
303. “A Few of the Notable Women of Venice, Who are involved in their community.” Free Venice Beachhead, March 2008 NEWSPAPER
304. Gary Walker, “Sign of the times: City ordinance threatens local murals.” The Argonaut, March 27, 2008 NEWSPAPER
Harlan Lebo, College Report UCLA, March 2008 JOURNAL
305. School of Music and Arts “California Artists: Projects for Kids” San Jose Mercury News, March 2008 NEWSPAPER
306. UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, “A Ver, Newsletter Volume 6,” April 2008 NEWSLETTER
307. Eileen Truax, “Se diluyen los murales” La Opinion, June 26, 2008 NEWSPAPER
308. Gary Walker, “SPARC murals find new life at Venice Family Clinic” The Argonaut, August 21, 2008 NEWSPAPER
309. Joe Rodriguez, “New arch honors a life of service.” San Jose Mercury News, September 4, 2008 NEWSPAPER
310. Alicia Lozano, “Mural Mortality” Los Angeles Times Calendar, January 6, 2009 NEWSPAPER
311. Adam Pockross, “Finding musical common ground” The Argonaut, (1/22/09) NEWSPAPER
312. Samantha Schaefer, “UCLA Professor dedicates herself to exposing art” UCLA Daily Bruin, (3/4/09) NEWSPAPER
313. Jacqueline Trescott, “Activists Ask White House for Role in Recovery” The Washington Post (5/13/09)
314. Jasmine Mahmoud, “The Arts & The Economy.” [The Arts Politic] White House arts & activism meeting, June issue May 20, 2009 MAGAZINE
315. Sarah Swasey, “Mesa Gallery Honors Chicano Heritage” The Mesa Press, October 27, 2009 NEWSPAPER
316. UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, “A Ver, Newsletter Volume 7,” May 2009 NEWSLETTER
317. Ashland Gallery Association, “Activist Art” 2009 MAGAZINE
318. Aguas Calientes Cultural Museum, “2009 educational programs: mural tour of Los Angeles” 2009 NEWSLETTER
319. Lynn Hershman Leeson, “Women Art Revolution: The (Formerly) Secret History,” Hotwire Productions, 2009 FILM
320. Mark Blankenship, highlighting Judy Baca for Women in the Arts: February 22 issue. Hispanic Outlook Magazine, 2010 MAGAZIN
321. Sophia Wright, Venice Beachhead Paper March 2, 2010 NEWSPAPER
322. UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, “A Ver, Newsletter Volume 8, # 9,” May 2010 NEWSLETTER
323. Linda McDonough, “From Prada To Nada,” Odd Lot Entertainment, 2010 FILM
324. Patt Morrison Profile, “Muralista” Los Angeles Times – Opinion, August 28, 2010 NEWSPAPER
325. Christian Hoang, “LA artists draw battle lines to save city’s legacy of murals” 9/19/2010 ONLINE
326. “Latino Heritage Month“ Beachhead August 2011 NEWSPAPER
327. Susan Abram, Los Angeles Daily News“Great Wall of L.A. gets a face-lift” 9/15/11 NEWSPAPER/ONLINE
328. Rubi Fregoso, “The Great Wall of LA” KCET Departures – Youth Voices, 2011 ONLINE CHANNEL
329. KCET Departures: “JUDITH F. BACA – Muralist, Activist & Educator” 2011 ONLINE CHANNEL
330. Nicole Possert, The Eastsider LA “A new era begins for Highland Park mural” January 29, 2011
331. Sam Bloch, “The Great Wall of L.A., Legendary L.A. River Mural, Restored to Former Glory” Sep. 19, 2011 ONLINE
332. Molly Gray, Annenberg Digital News, “Highland Park AT&T Building Mural Finally Restored.” Oct. 22, 2011 ONLINE
333. David Fonseca, Highland Park-Mount Washington Patch, “Judy Baca’s Restored ‘History Of Highland Park Mural’ Unveiled.” October 24, 2011 ONLINE
334. David Fonseca, Highland Park-Mount Washington Patch, “Judy Baca’s History of Highland Park Mural to be Dedicated Saturday” October 21, 2011 ONLINE
335. Joan Saab, Critical Commons “NBCLatino reports – JUDY BACA talks about her experience painting “The Great Wall” 2011 ONLINE
336. Sandra Marquez Stathis/ Video by: Norma Rubio,, “Innovator: JUDY BACA pioneers technology to save murals” 09/20/2012 NBC Universal, New York ONLINE CHANNEL
337. Kitazawa,Yosuke and Fuentes, Ed., “Muralist Judy Baca on L.A.’s Digital Divide” KCET Departures. 19 Jul. 20012 <>. 2012 ONLINE CHANNEL
338. Yoli Martinez, KCET PORTRAITS “Iconic Hispanic Angelenos in History: Judy Baca” on October 4, 2012<> ONLINE CHANNEL
339. Emily Chu, “Signature Broadway mural to be removed, relocated to make way for restoration” June 19, 2012 ONLINE
340. Taylor Roland, Women Art and Culture, Featured: “Judy Baca: Biography.” Monday, May 14, 2012 ONLINE
341. Isabel Rojas Williams, Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles, Featured Artist of The Month: Judy Baca 9/28/2012 ONLINE/INTERVIEW
342. Damian Mendieta, The Occidental Weekly “Murals paint picture of Latino culture” October 3, 2012
343. Carlyn Aguilar, Notes on Looking “LA is getting its murals back!” October 14, 2012 ONLINE
344. Kinsee Morlan, San Diego City Beat “Yet another Martin Luther King Jr. mural” Nov 14, 2012. ONLINE NEWSPAPER
345. David Ng, Los Angeles Times- Arts and Culture “NEA awards $26.3 million with 122 recipients in California”, April, 24, 2013 ONLINE NEWSPAPER
346. (PRWEB) Richmond, California “New Neighborhood Public Art Mural by Judy Baca in Richmond, California” June 20, 2013, ONLINE
347. Huffpost Arts & Culture, “Community Art In Mid-America.” September 3, 2013 ONLINE NEWSPAPER
348. Eric Drucker,, “Roadside Attractions: A Look at the Los Angeles Marathon Murals” March 18, 2013 ONLINE
349. Paul Von Blum, “Saving Paul Conrad’s ‘Chain Reaction” Aug 27, 2013 ONLINE
350. Reed Johnson, Los Angeles Times “Arguments over L.A.’s mural ban paint different pictures” June 25, 2013 ONLINE NEWSPAPER
351. Dana Bartholomew, Los Angeles Daily News, “Canoga Park conference aims to draw support for murals” 03/29/13 ONLINE NEWSPAPER
352. Andrea Steedman, Inland Empire Weekly “The Contemporary Archives of Outsider Art” April 18, 2013 ONLINE NEWSPAPER
353. Dakota Smith, Los Angeles Daily News, “LA Mural Ordinance Would Allow Art On Single-Family Residences” 08/26/2013 ONLINE NEWSPAPER
354. Hector Gonzalez, Venice Life, “LA’s Great Wall: Muralist Judy Baca’s Nonprofit Works To Revive a Landmark” November 2013. MAGAZINE
355. Denver International Airport Online News: Denver international Airport voted 1st place winner for best artwork in the nation, featuring the work of Judy Baca. ONLINE
356. Oregon Public Broadcasting, Annenberg, PBS “American Passages: A Literary Survey.” Includes a PBS 2003 video series, textbook, and a comprehensive website for educators to use in courses in American literature. 2014. ONLINE/VIDEO SERIES
357. 2014, Eric Avila on the Great Wall and Hitting the Wall. Journal of Urban History JOURNAL
358. Huffington Post, Learning Los Angeles: Debra Padilla, Arts and Activism By Julia Wasson, Cathy Weiss 7/28/2014
359. 2014, ArtScene, featuring Judy Baca “Hitting the Wall” MAGAZINE
360. Josefina Lopez’s premiere of “Stand Up for Women”, features Judy Baca artwork on stage. 2015 THEATER
361. ABC-CLIO Online subscription database called “The Latino American Experience” 2015 ONLINE
362. California Reinvestment Coalition, Celebrate Community Heroes event. 2015 COVER IMAGE
363. Johns Hopkins University Press, American Quarterly “The Chicano/a Photographic: Photography as Social Practice in the Chicano Movement” Colin Gunckel. JOURNAL
364. Playwright Josefina Lopez’s premier Drunk Girl, “Stand Up for Women.” THEATER
365. Great Wall of Los Angeles National Register nomination from the state office of historic preservation. National Park Service website. 2016 ONLINE
366. High Country News Magazine 9/26/16 borderlands and connecting communities across borders. MAGAZINE
367. CSUN, “Southern CA Quarterly, Spring 2016 vol 98 no 1.” by UC Press. JOURNAL
368. Davis Publications: “Discovering Art History” Digital Image Database. ONLINE
369. “Tui Motu Inter-Islands Magazine” New Zealand, February 2017 issue “Solidarity.” MAGAZINE
370. Jon Pounds, AFTA Public Art Public Education Paper. ESSAY
371. Maximiliano Duron, ART NEWS. The Underrated Issue “Concrete History: Chicana Muralist Judith F. Baca goes from the Great Wall to the museum wall. MAGAZINE / COVER
372. LAUSD, Spotlight Arts. Premiered in 2017. TV SHOW.
1. Camille Guerin-Gonzales: Mexican Workers and American Dreams, Rutgers University Press, 1994 (cover art: Farmworkers of Guadalupe, 1990) BOOK COVER ART
2. “The California Hispanic High School Dropout Prevention Project” Hispanic Education and Media Group Curriculum contribution, 1993 CURRICULUM CONTRIBUTION
3. Denise Beirnes with Moira Roth, Territories, Borders, and Crossings: A Narrative Chronology of the life and art of Judy Baca, Unpublished Manuscript, January, 1994 UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT
4. Kathryn A. Charles, Judy Baca: Empowering Communities Through Public Art, Master’s Thesis, 1994 MASTER’S THESIS
5. Mario Ontiveros: Circumscribing Identities: Chicana Muralists and the Representation of Chicana Subjectivity. Master’s Thesis, University of California, Riverside, 1994 MASTER’S THESIS
6. Dyan Ellen Mazurana: Uprising of Las Mujeres: A Feminist and Semiotic Analysis of Mexicana and Chicana Art, Unpublished Dissertation, Clark University, 1999. UNPUBLISHED DISSERTATION
7. Stacey Mitsue Uradomo: Art institutions in Perspective: Challenging Practices and Developing New Spaces, the Work of Yoko Ono, Judith Baca, and Jenny Holzer, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of California, Riverside, 1999 UNPUBLISHED DISSERTATION
8. Catherine Sue Ramirez: The Pachuca in Chicano/a art, literature, and history: Reexamining nation, cultural nationalism, and resistance, Unpublished Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 2000 UNPUBLISHED DISSERTATION
9. California Community Foundation Annual Report, featuring SPARC’s Neighborhood Pride Murals. October 2005. ANNUAL REPORT
10. Nancy Vera, Educational Leadership doctoral candidate at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi, Texas A&M University. March, 2006 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION
11. Linda Stollings, The Use of Mimeography in Early Gay Publishing, Canada, Master’s Thesis, October, 2006 MASTER’S THESIS
12. Lisa Hernandez, “Migrations and Other Stories” University Houston, Arte Publico Press 2006
13. Vilma Ortiz &Edward Telles, “Generations of Exclusion: Mexican Americans, Assimilation and Race,” Russel Sage Publications 2007 BOOK COVER ART
14. Andrew Deener, writing dissertation on Venice June 21, 2007 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION
15. Rachel Joy Tancioco Estrella, “Lessons from the Wall: Muralism and the Art of Empowerment” 2007 Doctor of Philosophy in Education, UCLA. DOCTORAL DISSERTATION
16. Alma Martinez, “Zootsuit, A New American Play” April 2008 DISCOVERY GUIDE
17. Consuelo Velasco, Public Art Studies Program USC: Masters Thesis, 2008 THESIS
18. Luis Genaro Garcia, Reclaiming Inner-City Education: Public Art, Public Education and Critical Pedagogy for Social Change, USC. May 2009 GRADUATE THESIS
19. Tere Valenzuela, Journalism Student, UCLA Extension May 8, 2009 STUDENT RESEARCH
20. Jaime Villaneda, Art History and Latin American Studies, Yale University. March 2009 THESIS
21. Arturo Rosette, “Dissertation: Critical Muralists” UMI, 2009 PUBLISHED DISSERTATION
22. Barbara Reyes, Private Women, Public Lives, Gender and the Missions of the Californias, University New Mexico 2009 BOOK COVER ART
23. Afroditi Climis Davos, Locating the Politics of Contemporary Public Art: Towards a New Historiography, Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy in Art History, UCLA. 2009 DISSERTATION
24. Karina Muñiz, Los Angeles Conservancy “Pico Union Walking Tour” BROCHURE GUIDE
25. Víctor Alejandro Sorell, “An Enduring and Venerable Mexican Legacy: Abbreviated Reflections on David Alfaro Siqueiros and the Evolving State of Chicana/o Murals [1932—2009, and Beyond]”Siglo XXI Conference Plenary Session II, Inter-University Program for Latino Research (IUPLR), University of Notre Dame, September 24th & 26th, 2009 CONFERENCE PRESENTATION
26. October 2009 Office of International Visitors Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs U.S. Department of State INTERNATIONAL VISITOR LEADERSHIP PROGRAM “PROMOTING TOLERANCE THROUGH THE ARTS”. STATE DEPARTMENT VISIT TO ARTIST STUDIO
27. July 2009 The International Visitors Council of Los Angeles (IVCLA) Hosted Mr. Ameet Mehta, a design professional from Mumbai, India. In Los Angeles to gain exposure to the cultural diversity of American graphic arts, arts education and design. VISIT TO ARTIST STUDIO
28. Mr. Robb Hernandez , “VIVA: Gay and Lesbian” Cesar Chavez Dissertation Fellow, Dartmouth College 2010 DISSERTATION
29. SPARC Publications, “Great Wall of Los Angeles: Walking Tour Guide.” (Revised) 2011 TOUR GUIDE
30. JUDITH F. BACA ACADEMY NAMED BY LAUSD in South Central Los Angeles named 2011
31. See F212 Stefano Bloch, “The Illegal Face of Wall Space: Graffiti-Murals on the Sunset Boulevard Retaining Walls” Radical History Review, Issue 113 (Spring 2012) by MARHO: The Radical Historians’ Organization, Inc. University of Minnesota Department of Geography and the University of Minnesota’s Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 2012 PUBLISHED DISSERTATION
32. Edie Wells, “Reclaimed: Finding Value in the Discarded” MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts at Goddard College. 2012 THESIS/PORTFOLIO
33. Maciej J. Bartkowski, Recovering Nonviolent History: Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, CO. 2012 BOOK COVER ART
34. February – May 2012, JUDITH F. BACA – The Great Wall Restored Pasadena City College Latino/Chicano Heritage Room (Curated by Reina Prado) SOLO EXHIBITION
35. January – March 2011, The Works of Judy Baca, Excavating Land and Memory Through Public Art Richmond Art Center, Richmond CA SOLO EXHIBITION
36. August 16, 2013 – January 5th 2014, Woman: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Forest Lawn Museum GROUP SHOW
37. Jan 26, 2013 – Feb 1, 2013, Back Alley Presented by Do Art Foundation& LA Street Art Gallery GR Works Gallery, Downtown Los Angeles, CA GROUP SHOW
38. Jan. 26,2013 to Feb. 23, 2013, Chicano Muralists in Southern California, 1968-1985: The First Generation of a Cultural Revolution Through the Camera of Elliott Robert Barkan RAFFMA (The Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art) Cal State San Bernardino, California GROUP SHOW
39. October 20, 2012 – January 2013, SPARC: Ignite & Inspire, 35 Years (SPARC Retrospective) SPARC Gallery, Venice, CA GROUP SHOW
40. April 27 – May 26, 2012, Urban Legends’ 45 Years of Public Art Around the World LA Mart and Design Center Presented by The Estria Foundation, LA Art Machine, Do Art Foundation, SPARC and MCLA. GROUP SHOW
41. May 3 – July 27, 2012, re:present L.A. Vincent Price Art Museum’s Community Gallery at East Los Angeles Community College (ELAC) curated by the graduate students of CGU’s Arts Management, Cultural Studies, and Public Policy programs. GROUP SHOW
42. March 9th, 2012, Transforming Public Art: Chicano Murals in the ‘80s Presented by SPARC, MCLA and La Plaza de Cultura Y Artes Museum, Los Angeles, CA GROUP SHOW
43. March 24 To April 16, 2012 Honoring Pioneers of the Farm Worker Movement Art Exhibit at the U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC. GROUP SHOW
44. January 22 – May 20, 2012, LA RAW: Abject Expressionism in Los Angeles 1945-1980: From Rico Lebrun to Paul McCarthy Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, CA (Getty Foundation’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980) GROUP EXHIBITION
45. December 15, 2011 – January 31, 2012, Lasting Legacies: Chicano/a Artes during the 60’s and 70’s La Plaza de Cultura Y Artes, Los Angeles CA GROUP EXHIBITION
46. October 16, 2011 – February 26, 2012, Mapping Another L.A.: The Chicano Art Movement Fowler Museum at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (Getty Foundation’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980) GROUP EXHIBITION
47. October 15, 2011 – January 22, 2012, Mural Remix: Sandra De La Loza Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA GROUP EXHIBITION
48. October 1, 2011 – February 13, 2012, Under The Big Black Sun: California Art 1974-1981 The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, Los Angeles, CA Art Talk: January 2012 (Getty Foundation’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980) GROUP EXHIBITION
49. September 22, 2011 – December 9, 2011, Chican@s Collect: The Duron Family Collection UCLA Chicano Research Center Library, Los Angeles, CA. GROUP EXHIBITION
50. September 10, 2011 – October 2, 2011, Los Vets: a Tribute Avenue 50 Studio, Highland Park, CA GROUP EXHIBITION
51. September 9, 2011 – January 1, 2012, Adelante! Mexican American Artists: 1960’s and Beyond Forest Lawn Museum, Glendale, CA GROUP EXHIBITION
52. Oct. 31, 2010- January 31, 2011, The Artist’s Museum: 147 of Los Angeles’ most influential Artists The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Los Angeles, CA.Curated by Jeffery Deitch. GROUP EXHIBITION
53. September 24, 2010 – January 9, 2011, Siqueiros in Los Angeles: Censorship Defied Autry National Center, Los Angeles, California GROUP EXHIBITION
54. January – March 2011, The Works of Judy Baca, Excavating Land and Memory Through Public Art Richmond Art Center, Richmond CA SOLO EXHIBITION
55. Oct. 31, 2010- January 31, 2011, The Artist’s Museum: 147 of Los Angeles’ most influential Artists. The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Los Angeles, CA. Curated by Jeffery Deitch. GROUP EXHIBITION
56. September 22, 2011 – December 9, 2011, Chican@s Collect: The Duron Family Collection UCLA Chicano Research Center Library, Los Angeles, CA. GROUP EXHIBITION
57. September 10, 2011 – October 2, 2011, Los Vets: A Tribute Avenue 50 Studio, Highland Park, CA GROUP EXHIBITION
58. September 9, 2011 – January 1, 2012, Adelante! Mexican American Artists: 1960’s and Beyond Forest Lawn Museum, Glendale, CA GROUP EXHIBITION
59. December 15, 2011 – January 31, 2012, Lasting Legacies: Chicano/a Artes during the 60’s and 70’s La Plaza de Cultura Y Artes, Los Angeles CA GROUP EXHIBITION
60. October 16, 2011 – February 26, 2012, Mapping Another L.A.: The Chicano Art Movement Fowler Museum at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (Getty Foundation’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980) GROUP EXHIBITION
61. October 15, 2011 – January 22, 2012, Mural Remix: Sandra De La LozaLos Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA GROUP EXHIBITION
62. October 1, 2011 – February 13, 2012, Under the Big Black Sun: California Art 1974-1981 The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, Los Angeles, CA Art Talk: January 2012 (Getty Foundation’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980) GROUP EXHIBITION
63. April 27 – May 26, 2012, Urban Legends’ 45 Years of Public Art Around the World LA Mart and Design Center Presented by The Estria Foundation, LA Art Machine, Do Art Foundation, SPARC and MCLA. GROUP SHOW
64. February – May 2012, JUDITH F. BACA – The Great Wall Restored Pasadena City College Latino/Chicano Heritage Room (Curated by Reina Prado) SOLO EXHIBITION
65. May 3 – July 27, 2012, re:present L.A. Vincent Price Art Museum’s Community Gallery at East Los Angeles Community College (ELAC) curated by the graduate students of CGU’s Arts Management, Cultural Studies, and Public Policy programs. GROUP SHOW
66. March 9th, 2012, Transforming Public Art: Chicano Murals in the ‘80s Presented by SPARC, MCLA and La Plaza de Cultura Y Artes Museum, Los Angeles, CA GROUP SHOW
67. March 24 to April 16, 2012 Honoring Pioneers of the Farm Worker Movement Art Exhibit at the U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC. GROUP SHOW
68. January 22 – May 20, 2012, “LA RAW: Abject Expressionism in Los Angeles 1945-1980: From Rico Lebrun to Paul McCarthy” Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, CA (Getty Foundation’s initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945 – 1980) GROUP EXHIBITION
69. October 20, 2012 – January 2013, “SPARC: Ignite & Inspire, 35 Years” (SPARC Retrospective) SPARC Gallery, Venice, CA GROUP EXHIBITION
70. Jan 26, 2013 – Feb 1, 2013, “Back Alley” Presented by Do Art Foundation& LA Street Art Gallery GR Works Gallery, Downtown Los Angeles, CA GROUP EXHIBITION
71. Jan. 26, 2013 to Feb. 23, 2013, “Chicano Muralists in Southern California, 1968-1985: The First Generation of a Cultural Revolution Through the Camera of Elliott Robert Barkan” at RAFFMA (The Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art) Cal State San Bernardino, California GROUP EXHIBITION
72. August 16, 2013 – January 5th 2014, “LA Woman: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” Forest Lawn Museum. GROUP EXHIBITION
73. Oct 11th to Nov. 22, 2014. “Maestros y Mas (where we began)” GROUP EXHIBITION. The dA Center for the Arts 12th annual Aztlan Exhibition, Pomona CA
74. October 8, 2014- December 19, 2014. “Arte Intimo, Arte Publico: Spirit, Vision and Form” GROUP EXHIBITION. University of California Santa Barbara, MultiCultural Center – Fall 2014 Art Exhibit
75. August 25 – October 11, 2014. Opening Reception September 6, 2014 GROUP EXHIBITION. “Valley Vista: Art in the San Fernando Valley, Ca. 1970-1990”. CSUN Art Galleries, California
76. March 17 – May 14, 2014, Opening Reception March 21, 2014 GROUP EXHIBITION. “Women in the State of Grace: Transforming Adversities to Resounding Victories!” Ventura College Santa Paula, CA
77. March 7, 2014 – March 30, 2014, Opening Reception: Friday, March 7, 2014 GROUP EXHIBITION. “Mujer! (Woman!): Celebrating the strength, the power, and the passion of women and their relationships with each other.” Panel discussion: Women in the Arts set for Friday, March 28, 2014. Museum of Ventura County at the Tool Room Gallery, Bell Arts Factory
78. October 24, 2014–January 4, 2015 “The City Lost and Found: Capturing New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, 1960–1980,” GROUP EXHIBITION. Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
79. February 21–June 7, 2015 “The City Lost and Found: Capturing New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, 1960–1980,” GROUP EXHIBITION. Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, New Jersey.
80. May 10, 2015 – August 2, 2015. “Drawing in LA: The 1960s and 1970s” GROUP EXHIBITION. The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
81. April 15 to May 29, 2015. “Left Coast: California Political Art” GROUP EXHIBITION. The James Gallery, Center for the Humanities, The Graduate Center, CUNY
82. February 26 to March 27, 2015 “Women In Art ~ Herstories Exhibition” GROUP EXHIBITION. SAN JOAQUIN DELTA COLLEGE, LH HORTON JR GALLERY
83. October 15, 2016 – February 25, 2017 “Tastemakers & Earthshakers: Notes from L.A. Youth Culture, 1943-2016.” GROUP EXHIBITION. Vincent Price Art Museum
84. March 2017 Permanent Installation GROUP EXHIBITION. “LA Starts Here! Mexican and Mexican American history in Los Angeles.” LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes, Los Angeles, CA.
85. UPCOMING: September 10, 2017 -– January 7, 2018. “The US-Mexico Border: Place, Imagination, and Possibility.” GROUP EXHIBITION
86. Getty Initiative, Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA. Craft & Folk Art Museum (CAFAM), Los Angeles, CA
85. Fall 2017 “Experiments in Concrete and Collaboration: Judith F. Baca’s Reconfiguring of The Great Wall of Los Angeles after the Escuela Taller Siqueiros.” SOLO EXHIBITION. Getty Initiative, Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA . California State University Northridge
86. September 15, 2017 to January 1, 2018. “Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960-1985.” GROUP EXHIBITION
Getty Initiative, Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA. Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA.
87. UPCOMING: September 9 to December 31, 2017. “Axis Mundo: Queer Networks in Chicano L.A.” GROUP EXHIBITION. ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives at the USC Libraries will present at the ONE Gallery, West Hollywood, and the Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles’ Pacific Design Center’s location. Getty Initiative, Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA
88. UPCOMING: 2018. “Art After Stonewall: Sexual Identity and Politics 1969-89 in the United States” GROUP EXHIBITION Columbus Museum of Art, New Haven, CT
89. Great Wall of Los Angeles National Register nomination from the state office of historic preservation. Sept. 2016 NOMINATION
90. GRADUATE STUDENTS IN CHICANA/O STUDIES MENTORED BY PROF. BACA: MENTORING -Angelica Beccera, Carissa M. Garcia, Silvia Rodriguez, Gaby Rodriguez, Kaelyn Rodriguez, Carlos Rogel.